Self-reliance, a Key to Stand up When You're Down

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    Sep 26, 2012
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Life is a very challenging career by itself. It is full of excitement, joy, pain, pressure, luck at some points and loss or defeat  at an end. But when we are faced with a chain of unfortunate events coming our way in succession, we maybe a bit frustrated or much depending on the weight of each one as we believed them to measure on each of our personal scale.

Sudden sickness is inevitable. It strikes and depletes our resources if we do not have a Health Insurance to pay for medical expenses. The education of a child or the children in the family may suffer at large and bills due may not be taken cared of anymore. In short, everything may change so ubruptly that we no longer have the control over so many details to think of.

One last resort to make and do is self-reliance. The ability to stand for a time when everything has fallen down on your shoulders. Of course, that is only true if there is a fund saved out of the past earnings made before the time of distress happened. Old jewelries bought or given as gifts may in turn be sold to cover other immediate expenses needed to be settled. Buy and sell of food items, snacks, pack lunches, and goodies may help do away from being flagged down with electricity and water use. There's always a hundred ways to keep your faith alive. Be brave and move around. Do not just stay in one corner of the house and wait for anything to happen. If every effort has been done to somehow deal with the situation, then that is the time to seek assistance from other people who could offer a job or lend you some fund to start doing business. Or one may do the reverse, first use the money from selling your personal properties in a business venture, then pay the bills due later. It depends on your assessment of what should come first.

Our God-given talents are but essential part of our ability to do whatever is necessarily be done. Accordingly, tap them and put  them to use. Your imagination may run wild. Write and sell your thoughts.  Think and act now. Be self-reliant just for a time and then you'll wil pay off in no time. 

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