Reflections on the benefits of being a habit-free person
Explanation of motivation as a driving force in our lives. Approaches to strengthening and developing motivation.
Did you find yourself in these statements? Maybe you should change something in your attitude towards life? Take your time and think about it.
Personal mastery is concept that signifies utter control over you.
Have you ever thought about how important MOTIVATION is in our lives? How important do you think motivation is for EVERYONE, and can you live without it? Simple things to keep you motivated.
In basic economics, we are taught in its simplest terms, that any profit is an asset and any loss is a liability. Precisely, this is correct and, definitely, nobody will prove this otherwise. Now, is
No one can stand on his or her two feet until they've got something to stand because of. Something that brings them forward, something that motivates them.
This poem tells us the blessings we will have by being advocates of truth.
This article is about memories, thinking, changing yourself and about self-realization.
This is about those people who live in the most different way in their life, without thinking about, "What will they say?"