My 2012...a year in review

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    Dec 17, 2012
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The year is about to end, only a few days are left and there is still no guarantee what to expect next year. People come rushing in and out of malls for the holidays to buy Christmas presents for their loved ones, colleagues and friends. I just wonder how financial crises in some parts of the the globe do not even affect this tradition at this point of time. Why? Because giving is but a natural thing when we have the means to do it. It is a way of expressing one's love and affection for somebody else. Sharing things, money, help maybe in whatever form meant so much to a recepient. 

Just as ordinary as it seems to many, quite a few find it a mere expense. This holiday appears too different from the many previous ones we've had in the past. My soul is saddened by the fact that I am now among those who are in need. I used to give and extend help to so many, even if they don't literally ask me for that. But the side of the coin is tossed upside down. It's so hard to feel this way but I know that the Lord has His own valid reasons for putting me in this situation. Lest I believe that He has other plans for us. 

The Christmas eve will be very simple with Pia around. Arnel is still away from us with his disability. No income to expect but God has always put food on our table for the past eight months. We have managed to survive. 

I know everything has its end just like the year 2012 and more things to happen in the coming months ahead. I look forward to have the twist by 2013, positively in our favor. For the year that was about to leave not only was one of our most trying but one that led us to a reality check. 

I wish for more favorable things in the coming year, good health, financial stability and continued love from true people who care without expecting anything in return.

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