Can We Start to Think about Home Improvements?

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    Nov 22, 2013
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Can We Start to Think about Home Improvements? Photo by John Nicholson

After a long and, for many of us, difficult few years the economy seems to be returning to normal levels and we are now hearing daily reports of how our house prices are starting to rise again. This means that we can all breathe a huge sigh of relief as hopefully we will find ourselves back in positive equity. It also means that we can start to think about improving our homes once again because, it seems, our homes are once again worth the effort and expense.

This is especially true of property in the more desirable areas of the country, perhaps where there are more available jobs or easy transport routes to those jobs. Of course the capital is probably the most desirable place to own property in the UK and the house prices reflect this trend. It stands to reason therefore that if you improve your home then you will get the maximum benefit in terms of how it will increase the value of your property.

There are all sorts of ways to improve your home from extensions and conservatories to fitting a new kitchen, bathroom or just redecorating and all of these things will improve the value of your home to a different degree. Find yourself a good tradesman and ask them to look at your home and give you some ideas of how you could improve it. There certainly aren’t any shortage of builders and there are plenty of tradesman that are eager to quote for work.

But don’t just go with the first person you find, always try to make sure that you employ a quality firm that will provide you with professional work. If a job is done badly it could actually lower the value of your property and that is definitely something that you want to avoid. So always go that extra mile to ensure that you will not be left disappointed.

Ask friends for recommendations if they have recently had work done, or ask the company that has quoted for examples of other work that they have been involved with. You might even ask them if you could contact a previous client of theirs to really set your mind at rest. Always remember that the price isn’t everything and you are better paying a little more for quality than saving money on something that is badly done and, quite possibly, dangerous to live with.

So we have waited long enough for some positive feeling toward house prices and we should definitely make hay whilst the outlook is good. But don’t rush in and make mistakes. Take your time in deciding what to have done and who you would like to do it. Otherwise you might find yourself in even more of a mess than you were beforehand.

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