How To Get Straight A's-Tips for Studying and Getting Good Grades

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    Sep 04, 2012
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Have you ever wondered that you are getting the worst grades and think that you cannot be helped and you are doomed for life? No you are not! You can get help, but you just need the right influence and good tips to get studying correctly and not freak out on tests and quizzes. Test and quizzes are hard, and I am not denying that, but if you just get the right studying tips, you will ace your tests like a piece of cake.

1. Never stay up late on school nights and not too late on weekends. If you stay up, and do not get your sleep before school day, you will be too weak to understand what your teacher is saying, and you will not pay attention. This is the worst thing to do. You will not get what your homework is and you might miss your assignment.
2. Always do your homework, and hand it in on time. Believe it or not, even if your teacher doesn't tell you, your homework counts as a grade also. Usually, teachers count 10% of your grade as homework. That 10% you get immediately if you do the homework. That is good. The point of homework is so that you don't forget what your teacher taught you today.
3. Study for tests and quizzes even if you think you can ace it without studying. If you really think you know it, at the least, review it once or twice a day 2 days prior the test or quiz is coming up. Especially for tests, never underestimate the level of a test because you may have missed something you think you know, but you don't.
4. Always eat breakfast before you go to school because if you do not, your brain will not be able to operate correctly. Your brain will feel tired and dizzy and feel like going to sleep. So it will not operate correctly.

Follow these tips and get good grades.

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