How to Conduct Your Own Lemonade Stand

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    Sep 05, 2012
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Lemonade stands are one of the best things you and your kids can do to make some extra cash and your children can learn to make some extra cash also. Your kids will love the lemonade stand because it is not only fun for them to work with, but they will get some cash. Teach your children the method of working, and getting money at a young age, so they will not be spoiled later on.

Lemonade of course-2 lemons for 1 jug and sugar and water
1 big long table with table cloth that is attractive
1 bag of plastic cups, keep extra just in case
1 box to keep all the cash in(I suggest you keep some change in the beginning)
2-3 Poster boards to advertise your lemonade stand

To attract customers to your lemonade stand, you should get signs that are colorful. So when you make your poster boards for advertisement, make it attractive with lots of colors. If you can, then get a lot of poster boards to advertise around town about your lemonade stand, with permission of course. Try to make your price cheap. I would say around  $0.25-$0.50 per glass. Getting family members to buy some lemonade is a good idea also. They will give you a head start. If you are not shy and you like to shout, shout out your lemonade "quotes." Make a saying to get people to get lemonade. Another great idea to get customers is to offer incentives. This can be like buy 2 cups get the 3rd one free. Or it can also be buy 1 cup and get another 1 half off. All these incentives will get customers to buy more than 1 cup, and get them a nice discount too. You can offer coupons also for a next time free lemonade glass. Try to get someone to sign it, so no one makes copies.

Use these tips and get on making money. 

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