My Hopes and Expectations for 2013

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    Sep 28, 2012
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On every New Year`s Eve I think about the changes I want to make in my life.  Like many people, I have goals. One of my goals is to keep studying and to keep my mind active by learning new things. In my opinion education is very rewarding. My decision is to read more books and watch less TV.  In addition to my educational goals, I have personal goals as well.

My resolution for 2013 is to get in shape and to exercise. I decided to live a healthier and more active life and to lose some weight. In order to do this, I have to avoid harmful habits (like eating too much chocolate). I also expect to be more creative and open to new ideas. I am going to try new things and to be braver. My aim is to spend more time with my family and to spread and receive the love, compassion and joy. I want to maintain steady relationship with my family and friends and to express my emotions more openly.

I have to admit that I would like to fall in love. But at the same time, I am a little bit afraid of it, because love can bring pain and heartbreak. I would like to meet a boy of my age who isn`t shallow and who doesn`t care only about image. I would also like to meet a young man who is charming, funny, intelligent and good-looking. However, I wonder is it too much to ask for? I am aware that it is not possible. But I can keep on dreaming about and looking for such person. I will also try to live the most honest life I possibly can in the coming year. I am going to follow my goals and stand up for what I believe in. As long as we have goals in perspective, we can accomplish them. I am looking forward to traveling, meeting interesting people and learning new things in the coming year.

Author's Profile

I love writing about various topics and I am interested in many things.

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