Being Vegetarian - A Heart of Gold

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    Sep 05, 2012
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The most effective way of protecting or liberating the life of animals is to become a vegetarian. Why should we refrain ourselves from taking meat? This is to cultivate our compassionate heart, which is important for us. This way, we would not create feuds with these animals as what the Law of Cause and Effect explains. In Buddhism, we must develop a compassionate heart by not taking any meat.

When Venerable Master Chin Kung was 26 years old, he encountered Buddhism and realized the benefits of learning the Buddha's teaching. Six months later, he became a vegetarian. At the age of 45, he caught a cold which was so severe that he did not recover within a month. He remembered what fortune teller has originally spoken of his destiny – he would not survive when he turned 45.  Hence, he refused to see doctor and took any prescription. What doctors can do is to cure sickness but cannot ‘cure’ his life? Therefore, he locked himself in his room and began to recite Amitabha’s name. His will is to attain rebirth into the Western Pure Land.

He never expected himself to be fully recovered. This is indeed a miracle that he has pulled through! After this incident happened, his health improves. He has proven to us that being a vegetarian is truly the healthiest lifestyle for every one of us. He has been a vegetarian for sixty years, and leads a simple life. His body condition overall is excellent when compared with the others. He looked radiance and appear much younger than his actual age. He gives lectures four hours daily and shows no sign of weariness.

Therefore, why should we eat meat and create feuds with them? The most appropriate way to protect the lives of animals is not to eat them.

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