Choosing Wall Art for the Home

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    Nov 29, 2013
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Choosing Wall Art for the Home Photo by John Nicholson

Finding a piece of art for your home that you like might be considered the easy deciding factor, but getting it right with your home decor could prove to be a more difficult choice. What is often attractive to the eye doesn’t always compare with the interior design of your home unless you do some simple planning.

One of the most important factors in choosing wall art is that you don't just simply like it, but love it! It doesn’t have to be a Picasso, Monet or contemporary ‘arty’ contribution to your decor, just as long as it’s something you’ve chosen because it appeals to you and makes you feel good to look at it. This also means you can forget about whether other people approve of your preference and just go with your own flow! If you need some inspiration to find the right artwork, visit an art gallery or museum to help you make an informed decision which type of art you prefer.

Once you’ve decided on a favourite piece of art, the next problem is where to put it. You might want each room in a house to have art that expresses different feelings, for example, a calming effect in the bedroom, a busier image in the living room. Are you choosing one big piece of art or several smaller pieces grouped together? Do the colours clash with the wallpaper? You might play safe and choose black and white prints which won’t impose in most interior designs but will still be an added attraction.

If your artwork hasn’t come with a frame then ensure the frame you choose compliments both the picture, the colour scheme and style in your room. If you have any doubts about where to hang it, ask a friend to help you move it around the room so you can both have an opinion as to where it looks best. Think about lighting in the area too as this will help it to be a focal point in the room.

Now that you’ve decided on the ideal place for your art, it’s time to move on to the technicalities. Depending on the type of canvas or framework, you will have to decide on the correct picture hooks most suitable for hanging it securely as you don’t just want to hammer it in and hope for the best! If the artwork is too big or you’re unsure if you can do the job safely, hire the services of  any handyman within your local area to do the job to a professional standard. They will have the expertise to know about the correct spacing and height that is most appropriate for your chosen art - for you to enjoy at your leisure.

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These tips have been approved by professional handymen in fulham.

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