Bellevue Baptist Church Because You Wish to Serve the Living God

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    Dec 22, 2013
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Bellevue Baptist Church Because You Wish to Serve the Living God Photo by Russell Smith

The church is often associated with the house of God. Praying to the almighty alone is certainly never sufficient, what you also need is spiritual nourishment. If you are in need for the same, it is crucial that you start attending services at Bellevue Baptist Church. The church has been striving towards spiritual awakening all through the years. The core purpose of a church today is to spread the word of the living God and make disciples thereafter. This is simply done by engaging the members of a church with bible studies, conducting worship sessions to strengthen their relationship with the holy one.

You may want to understand that grasping God’s word is important , the church would teach to be a good disciple as well. It is crucial that you also impart this learnt knowledge and love you have for God to people who don’t have God in their lives and thirst for salvation. This is what would make you a good disciple. Apart from Sunday service, you should always try and help serve the church. This could be done by visiting the homes of people with your church members, helping with any financial need, etc. If you have a gifted talent, make use of it at Bellevue Baptist Church. For example, if you love singing, join the choir and help your church members with praise and worship. If on the other hand, you are confident about the way you speak, you could visit several families and talk to them about spirit.

Either way, you could find a way to connect with several other members of the church. If you feel the need to equip yourself with the word of God before starting off with anything, get in touch with a member of the church to help you.  Bible study classes and prayer meetings are what you should be opting for. If the Bellevue Baptist Church is a little too far away from your home, you could attend cell meetings around your locality or block. The church usually makes available such sessions for those that cannot travel far away during the week. This would especially apply to all those who work late and still wish to attend such meetings.

There’s nothing more beautiful than serving God sincerely with all your heart and soul. The happiness you receive from the same is surely unexplainable. The Bellevue Baptist Church has beautiful praise and worship sessions to join in. The church considers worship as the most important aspect of their services. You could browse through their website to understand how all of it works. Their website makes available a whole lot of content available for one to read. You could also lookup for their service and bible teaching class timings. The church has also put in a few videos to make it a whole lot easier for someone new to comprehend what the church is trying to say. Make sure to look out for the Bellevue Baptist blog as well, for more information on several other topics.

Author's Profile

Russell Smith is the author of this article on Bellevue Baptist Church. Find more information, about Bellevue here

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