Caring For Your Man: How A Female Pap Test Could Prevent Penis Problems

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    Jan 12, 2013
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The average woman must submit to uncomfortable, slightly embarrassing Pap tests on a regular basis. While they may resent the necessity, the results of these appointments may provide them with important information that can affect not only her health, but that of her male partner, as well. The sexually transmitted disease HPV can be detected in a Pap test, and a woman who tests positive for HPV should be sure to let her partner know about the potential impact on his penis health.

The Importance of Honesty

HPV, or human papilloma virus, can be easily transmitted from one person to another through even casual contact. Some strains of the infection can cause flesh-colored bumps to form specifically on the genitals. Other forms of HPV don't cause warts at all, but these strains might cause cellular changes that can lead to cancer down the line. A woman with a positive HPV test should tell her partner the news as quickly as possible, because the virus can be passed from body to body even when there are no overt symptoms present. An honest conversation might be the only way a man knows he's at risk.

Staying Safe

After a frank discussion about HPV, men may dash to the bathroom to look for signs of penis warts, while others may admit to having outbreaks in the past. Any warts that are found can be treated with creams or other medical treatments, although some men may choose to leave the spots alone and hope they'll heal on their own. Men who don't have visible signs may choose to visit their doctors, just to find out more about what the infection might mean for their medical futures.

It's important to note that HPV bumps aren't the same as the lesions caused by herpes. HPV warts:

• Don't bleed

• Don't usually hurt

• Won't last forever

• Can be cleared by the immune system

Herpes, on the other hand, doesn't tend to fade away in time and the sores can be painful. Medications can help, but people with herpes might need to fight outbreaks multiple times throughout their lives. Doctors are adept at discerning the differences between these two types of lesions, even when people who have the spots can't quite tell what they have, and an appointment might help to put fears to rest.

When the nitty-gritty conversations about warts are over, couples will need to decide more intimate matters, such as whether or not they'll continue to have sex while one or both partners are infected. Wearing condoms might not completely protect either partner, as the virus may be present on areas of the skin that are left uncovered. It's also unclear how long partners might need to abstain from sex, as some people clear the infection in mere months, while others may wait a year or more before they are symptom-free.

Developing Good Habits

There is a vaccine available for HPV, and it's been approved for both men and women. The vaccine doesn't prevent all strains of HPV, so both men and women could develop genital warts even when they've been vaccinated, but the serious forms of HPV that have been closely related to cancer are typically included in the vaccine. Doctors can provide more information on whether the vaccine could be beneficial or recommended for people who might already be exposed to HPV.

While healthy skin isn't necessarily protective against HPV, men who have good penis health care habits might be more likely to spot changes that could indicate an STD or other health issues. Examining the penis each day for unusual skin growths or lesions can help to nip problems in the bud. In addition, nourishing the skin with a penis health creme (health experts recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing vitamins to support immune function and proper cell regrowth can help to protect against infection and other diseases.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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