After a Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal: 4 Ways to Boost Chances of Pregnancy

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    Dec 18, 2013
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After a Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal: 4 Ways to Boost Chances of Pregnancy Photo by Vas Reversals

Get Anti-sperm Antibody Testing and Treatment

High anti-sperm antibodies lower sperm function. It attacks the sperm like they are an infection or virus in the body. The damage sperm suffers keeps them from being able to reach the egg to fertilize it.

Men with low to no anti-bodies achieve pregnancy faster than men with higher counts. Treatment is available to lower anti-sperm antibodies and boost chances of pregnancy. Steroids are the prevailing treatment a doctor uses for high antibody counts.

Men who are contemplating a vasectomy reversal need to take action sooner rather than later. Every day that passes between when the vasectomy occurs and when the reversal operation is complete decreases the man’s virility. With shorter periods of time, a man’s sperm suffers less damage and has higher motility.

Start Eating Foods High in Acids

Pumpkin seeds and oysters are not on anyone’s daily menu, but both increase a man’s chances of getting his partner pregnant. By eating foods high in amino acids or omega 3 fatty acids, the body has the nutrients to increase sperm development. Oysters and dark chocolate are high in amino acids, and walnuts and pumpkin seeds supply omega 3's.

Other foods that boost sperm count and increase chances of getting pregnant are:

• Asparagus
• Bananas
• Garlic
• Lake Trout
• Mackerel

Another food that gives a powerful boost to a man’s virility is maca extract. It increases sperm count and builds up the fluid surrounding the sperm. The sperm moves freely in the man’s body and strengthens their swimming ability.

Stay With the Same Woman

Sometimes, breaking up is unavoidable, but men who want a better chance of conceiving a
child after a reversal need to try to settle with one woman. Urological studies show that men in marital or committed relationships have a significantly higher chance of getting a woman pregnant.

Also, studies show an extra boost in the percentages if the long-term female partner has conceived at least one child. The woman’s first pregnancy gives her a higher fertility. Her body is more receptive to the man’s sperm and does not develop antibodies against it.

Don’t give up on the pregnancy too soon. Men getting a micro-surgical vasectomy reversal see results in one to two years, but others take as much as three.

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A successful vasectomy decreases that possibility even when the best surgeons perform the reversal. However, there are things men can do to boost their sexual potency. With shorter periods of time, a man’s sperm suffers less damage and has higher motility. So, a man should not delay if planning for Microsurgical Vasectomy Reversal treatment.

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