The Hotty Pack can ease back pain, knee pain, neck pain and period pain. It is tailored to work on each area through special designs in the heat pack that conforms to the body.
Heat Therapy from hotty packs has many beneficial factors for the human body. Also known as thermotherapy, it can treat stiff joints and muscles, muscle pains, arthritis and deep tissue injuries.
This abnormal curvature can lead to various complications, in which either the posture of the individual gets affected, or some of the internal organs get suppressed and stop functioning properly
A slip disc can occur to anybody. This injury can affect any vertebrae in our spine, especially in the lumbar or back region. When the disc is ruptures, the gel like substance begins to add pressure
This sciatic nerve is normally the source of the pain which is mostly referred to as sciatica pain, a result of lumbar Radiculopathy
The spine is made up of a series of connected bones called "vertebrae." In some adult, there is a developmental crack in one of the vertebrae, usually at the point at which the lower lumbar part
The Teeter Hang Ups EP-550 has played a major role in helping users to effectively deal with complications related to their back pain because of its patented design and multiple features.
Many people are suffering today from complications related to back pain. The Teeter Hang Ups EP-950 has shown itself to be an incredible product that can give results with only a few minutes a day.
One very popular way that people are finding to treat back pain today is through inversion therapy that involves the use of a Teeter inversion table.
The Ironman Essex 990 Inversion Table may be the ideal product for you to consider as this exercise equipment has been specifically designed to provide relief from back pain and muscle pain.