Diverse Approaches to the Problems of Translating

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    Sep 28, 2012
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Many perspectives on the problems of translating do not ivalidate one another. On the contrary, they contribute to a better understanding of interlingual communication. These diverse approaches to the problems of translating are essentialy matters of different perspectives. If the focus of attention is on particular texts (and especially if these are of so-called literary quality), the underlying theory of translation is best regarded as philological. If, however, the focus of attention is on the correspondance in language form and content, that is, on the structural differences between the source and receptor languages, the corresponding theory may be regarded as linguistic. If the focus is on translation as a part of an actual communication process, the corresponding theories may be regarded as communitave. If the focus is on plasticity of language, the corresponding theories may be regarded as  sociosemiotic. The purposes of translation are so diverse, the texts so different, and the receptors so varied that one can readily understand how and why many distinct formulations of principles and practises of translation have been proposed. All who have written seriously on translating agree that translators should know both the source and the receptor language, should be familiar with the subject matter, and should have some facility of expression in the receptor language. In discussing the various theories of translation, it is important to recognize that these theories are seldom developed in comprehensive form. In most cases, the theories are far more implicit than explicit. But, many scholars point out that  a good transltion  can be recognized very easily.  

            In fact this type of translation is distinguished by its elegance and

            concision, its attention to natural word order, to the deployment of

            clauses and phrases more frequently used than their formal equivalent

            in source language: a good translation is deft, neat and closely

            shadowing its original. (Newmark, 1991:34).

However, the fact that patterns of human behaviour are constantly subject to change means that literary taste and judgement with respect to types of translation also   change. There is, therefore, no permanent set of criteria for  judging the acceptability of translation, but change also implies fluctuation in judgement. Accordingly, one must expect that over a period of time not only will the attitudes of many people change with respect to a translation, but the same individual may react to a particular translation in different ways at different times, depending on his own emotional state or needs.

It seems to me that language experts will perhaps invent some new approach to translation. However, despite the fact that scholars have different opinions about perspectives on translation, translation will never cease to exist. Good translators love their work because it is useful and creative. They love exploring the wods, which are a mirror of their times – of the events, the preoccupations, the inventions and discoveries. Every word represents a treasure of mankind`s wisdom. In my opinion, we can learn so much from the act of translation when we are involved in the process. We can learn about our own writing, our language, foreign language and about language itself.


1. Newmark, Peter. (1991). About Translation. UK:Multilingual Matters. Ltd.


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