Can You Write A Product Review For An Item You Havent Bought?

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    Apr 09, 2013
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Shopping in Market! Market!
Shopping in Market! Market!
Photo by Roberto Verzo

There are many ways to look at the act of writing a product or service review to earn rewards on this site. When shoppers read reviews online about things that they are interested in purchasing, they want to believe that what they are reading is honest and factual. If you want to write lots of reviews and earn points to redeem for great prizes, how can you do that if you haven’t bought many items that are featured on affiliated sites?

The most important aspect of any review on this site is that there is information about each review stating plainly that the person who wrote the review has actual experience with the product. If someone is looking for firsthand knowledge of products that they are considering spending their hard earned cash on, they will know whether that is what they are getting when they look at reviews on this site. If you don’t have experience with a specific item from any website, you still may have an experience of a general nature that will be of value for you to share. Say, for instance, that you are a devoted shopper at a brick and mortar store that also has a website component featured on this site. You can write a general review elaborating the things you like about the exclusively featured merchandise in that store, or the price structure and sales events. If you are honest and say that you haven’t ordered online but shop in the store frequently, your words will have credibility and be helpful to readers of your review.

It’s possible to also have experience with a particular class of items that are offered through a specific website that you can comment on with authority. If, for instance, you know from experience what it’s like to vacation at an all-inclusive resort and you know what to look for when choosing one, you can base a review on that information that would be very helpful to someone with no experience shopping in such a manner. When you state that you haven’t been to a specific place but have gone to a company’s alternately-owned properties that aren’t listed, you can still honestly talk about what that company values in the way of service. People like to know about all aspects of a company, especially things that are not highlighted, as it gives them a more complete picture of what they might expect when doing business with the company of their choosing.

Author's Profile offers information regarding posting a product review. For more on leaving reviews and earning points, please visit our rewards mall at today.

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