Opinionated Me: Nescafe Memento

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    Sep 14, 2012
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I've always said that I was made of ninety percent coffee and five percent human. Indeed, I have been likened to someone possessed by a demon in the morning time especially if I'm addressed before my first cup of coffee! That being said I'm familiar with all types of the beverage and always willing to try something new. Enter two samples of Nescafe's Memento' Mocha and Caramel flavored coffees.

I tried the Mocha days ago and while it tasted pretty good, I didn't find it as rich as I thought it would be. Now according to your own tastes that could be a good or bad thing. Personally when I think of Mocha, I think of a heavily flavored beverage but maybe that's just me. It wasn't bad but I still kept an open mind as I still had a sample of the Caramel Latte yet to try. As I write this that is exactly what I'm doing.

I am sampling the Caramel Latte as I type this very line. I have to admit this is a lot better. It has more of a creamy taste and it carries more of a satisfying coffee experience. It defiantly makes you want to sit back and say aah that's good stuff. It also proves true to the advertisement that it is frothy right down to the bottom of the cup. It's a nice way to enjoy a quiet moment while indulging in something that's relevantly low in calories and saturated fat. Comparing it to regular coffee, it doesn't seem to have near as much caffeine making it perfect for a late night cup without the worry of your eyes staring at a dark ceiling all night. As with any specialty coffee I personally don't believe in using it every day at the first crack of light. I admit I need something stronger but then that's just me.

However if you're not a die hard fan of this kind of caffeine then it may be just what you like. Lots of folks don't like traditional coffee. It may be to bitter or strong and if that were the case I would absolutely recommend this as a delicious substitute. Nescafe Memento is made with real coffee, milk and sugar. It does have some coconut and/or palm oil in it so anyone allergic to these substances should not try it. This product is available in Mocha, Caramel Latte and Cappuccino so if you like any of these flavors I would recommend you give them a try. They will in the end cost you a lot less than a Cappuccino or espresso maker. Happy sipping!

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