Help your Man Fight Male Menopause

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    May 29, 2013
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Help your Man Fight Male Menopause Photo by John Andrews

Male menopause, also known by other fancy terms such as andropause, late-onset hypogonadism, or simply put, testosterone deficiency is the phase in a man’s life when his body’s testosterone production begins to dwindle. Testosterone is arguably the most important male hormone, and low levels can result in a variety of not-so-desirable changes in the body. Some of these changes may include diminishing libido, accumulation of fat around the belly, crankiness, and constant fatigue.

These changes can cause an emotional upheaval in a man’s life. These signs are also often misdiagnosed as depression. As the wife or girlfriend, you should be aware that as men age, they may be prone to hormonal deficiency, which is a natural process. Here’s what you can do to help your man overcome male menopause:
• Watch what he eats. A pro-testosterone diet which includes foods full of healthy fats such as olive oil, chicken and turkey breast, avocados, salmon, coconuts, walnuts, and almonds nourishes the body and triggers testosterone production.
• A hearty portion of vegetables and fruits with every meal fills the body with antioxidants and vitamins that energize the system and strengthen immunity. Cook up innovativedishes with generous portions of vegetables to make sure he’s eating his share!
• Make sure he isn’t eating too much red meat and fast food. They contain harmful fats which can make him lethargic and are also a risk factor for heart disease. The same holds true for processed and commercially baked and sweetened foods which may contain partially hydrogenated fats which can prove harmful for the body.
• Is he working out enough? Regular exercise is extremely important to maintain optimum testosterone levels. Whether its weightlifting, jogging, swimming, or walking, make sure he sticks to a regular workout plan.
• Read a bunch of Ageless Male supplement reviews. This product has helped a multitude of men fight male menopause and emerge with renewed vigor and vivacity. Just don’t fall for the Ageless Male scam reviews hype! It works brilliantly by combining powerful ingredients such as fenugreek seed extract, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6 to boost testosterone levels and enhance sexual stamina and energy metabolism.
• Is he stressed out? Stress and anxiety can hamper testosterone production by raising the amount of cortisol. Higher levels of cortisol mean very low levels of testosterone. Yoga and meditation are excellent stress busters. Involve him in activities he loves as they’ll help him relax. Plan a weekend getaway, hang out with friends, and make sure he remains happy and cheerful.

Men may not like talking or feel uncomfortable about discussing male menopause. Offer love and support as the spouse/partner and offer help whenever your guy needs it. This can be a challenging phase for men, so let them know you are together in this and work toward rebuilding a fruitful relationship.

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Ageless Male supplement reviews has some really positive reviews about the Ageless Male. Be careful about the Ageless Male scam which doesn't seem to hold any ground.

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