Testosterone is present in every man’s body and it responsible for the male characteristic changes that men typically undergo from childhood to maturity.
Testosterone is a hormone secreted by the human body that affects the development and growth of male reproductive organs and the increase or decrease in reproductive urges.
There are several ways in which the healing process takes place. The human body is so designed that it has the ability to heal wounds, though this process can be a little long drawn than desired.
Testosterone is a vital hormone in the human body and you’ll be surprised what this little hormone can do for the body! The benefits of testosterone range from a healthy sex drive to strong bones.
Testosterone is often associated with manliness and masculinity. There may be a social stigma attached to low testosterone levels which may have an emotional impact, but low testosterone also affects.
If you’re looking to put on lean, muscle mass coupled with steel like bone density then you might want to check whether your testosterone levels are within a normal range.
Testosterone levels fall drastically among men of a certain age. Testosterone production reduces by 1% every year after a man turns 30, but in a lot of the men diagnosed with low testosterone.
Andropause, also known as male menopause, can be an exacting time for most men. Yes, just like women, men also go through menopause.
It’s no secret that menopause is a part and parcel of life for middle-aged women. But menopause doesn’t only affect women.
Hot flashes, irritability, and a falling sex drive aren’t just for women. Men also go through a phase that closely resembles menopause. Yes, male menopause does exist. It is caused by..