Using TEFL as a Stepping Stone to Further Your Career

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    Nov 21, 2013
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Using TEFL as a Stepping Stone to Further Your Career Photo by Robert Had

As the world economy continues to recover after the global recession, more jobs are becoming available in several fields of work. One vocation that is expanding very quickly is Teaching English as a Foreign Language, or TEFL. As people around the world gain more resources, they can devote more time to learning another language. English in particular can give them an edge in the business world. For people interested in teaching abroad, enrolling in a class that is regulated by the World TEFL Accrediting Commission is a great way to get the credentials you need, fast.

Accredited TEFL Centres

The World TEFL Accrediting Commission helps to manage teaching centres in the UK as well as in other countries. The education centres in the UK are mainly for instructing native English speakers how to teach English to non-English speakers. In other countries, they provide classes for interested students who want to learn English.

Many people who enrol in English classes in foreign countries are professional businesspeople who are required by their companies to have a good understanding of English. Other students are children in the school systems who want more instruction in English so that they can get ahead once they graduate, or so they can understand what has become the language of the internet.

No matter who decides to take the class, you can show potential employers that you are prepared to teach any English class with your certificate issued by the World TEFL Accrediting Commission. What you will learn in the course will directly translate to your overseas classes, and the experience you gain by working abroad over the 6 months to a year that the class runs will add to your employment history. For people who want to begin a permanent career in teaching, having experience overseas is a definite plus. It can add much needed experience to a resume, without needing years of additional tutelage in English instruction.

What to do After You Have Completed Your Work Abroad

Depending on how much you enjoyed living overseas, you may want to continue your work in a country that you learned to enjoy as much as your home country. For instance, if you completed your World TEFL Accreditation Commission monitored course and started teaching in Brazil, you may have come to love the people you worked with, the food, the atmosphere and the Portuguese language. It may inspire you to continue teaching English abroad or to live permanently in your newly adopted home. If you enjoyed learning about a different culture, you could apply for a different post in an entirely new country you have never visited before.

Author's Profile

Robert Had is offering intensive World TEFL Accrediting Commission is an accrediting body of TEFL/TESOL courses and course.

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