Protecting the Prostate

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    Apr 22, 2013
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Protecting the Prostate Photo by Jeffrey Eadie

Prostate diseases are continually on the rise, and more and more men are visiting their doctors with a prostate health issue. Advancing age is most often cited reason for a growing prostate, with genetics also playing a dominant role. Why is a growing prostate such a big concern? The reason is, when the prostate grows, it bears down upon the bladder and the urethra, and this can cause a major inconvenience because it results in excess urination and interferes with urinary flow and ejaculation. It’s estimated that most men over the age of 60 have a larger than normal prostate to some degree.

Doctors suspect that lifestyle choices have a big role to play in prostate health. What you eat and how mobile you are directly affects your health. So here are some suggestions for altering your existing lifestyle that you should follow to minimize the trouble caused by a growing prostate.

Protect the Prostate

  • A diet that lays more emphasis on vegetables and fruits is good for the prostate. Tomatoes, guavas, watermelon, peppers, pink grapefruit, broccoli, cabbage, and squash are particularly good for the prostate. Choose brightly-colored veggies and fruits. Eat fresh produce. There’s no need to entirely stop eating animal products. A little amount of meat such as cold water fish such as salmon or mackerel andchicken or turkey breast will provide your body with essential fatty acids.
  • Concentrate on foods that provide more fiber and antioxidants and go easy on those loaded with saturated fat. Excess fat also increases obesity, and carrying excess weight around is a risk factor for prostate and heart disease.
  • A few minutes of exercise everyday keeps the prostate healthy. It sheds a few pounds, beefs up your muscles and strengthens the body’s capacity to fend off illness.
  • Kegel exercises are a great way to alleviate age-related prostate discomfort. The best thing is you don’t need to set aside a separate time to do them; you can do them anywhere, anytime! They strengthen pelvic floor and bladder muscles and help you achieve better control over urine flow.
  • Beta Sitosterol, the primary ingredient in Super Beta Prostate, works very well for prostate health. It binds to the gland and inhibits further swelling. It also contains zinc, selenium, and copper among other elements which promote better prostate health. Super Beta Prostate review indicate how it results in reduced number of bathroom trips, and lets men sleep better through the night.
  • Make love more often! Studies have reported that frequent ejaculation lowers the risk of prostate disease by eliminating fluid buildup inside.

There’s no better time than now to start thinking about your prostate. No matter what age you are, educate yourself on prostate health conditions and make the necessary changes to your existing lifestyle. An annual prostate exam and a visit with a urologist is often the best way to catch a problem early. A smart way of life will only enhance prostate health and keep you away from the agonizing effects of a growing prostate.

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Beta Sitosterol, the primary ingredient in Super Beta Prostate, works very well for prostate health. Super Beta Prostate review indicate how it results in reduced number of bathroom trips, and lets men sleep better through the night.

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