Aging Changes in the Prostate Gland

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    Mar 25, 2013
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Aging Changes in the Prostate Gland Photo by Jeffrey Eadie

The prostate gland undergoes a gradual change in size as men grow older. In normal men, it’s roughly the shape of a walnut. But in some men, with advancing age, it grows to the size of a lemon. Medical experts attribute this growth to age and certain lifestyle factors. Take a closer look at how and why this prostate change can affect older men.

The prostate gland in men is located in the pelvic area. It is snuggled beneath the bladder and encircles the urethra, the tube that transports urine and seminal fluids. During puberty, this gland doubles in size and then stabilizes till a man reaches middle age. At this point in time, the gland again undergoes a growth phase, and can grow in size considerably. This doesn’t happen for every male, but it’s estimated that nearly half of all men above the age 70 have some degree of prostate growth. Why is thisa matter of so much concern?

When the prostate grows, it pushes against the bladder. It also compresses the urethra that’s running right through it. This can hamper urinary flow. A compressed bladder intensifies the urge to urinate, but urine can’t pass through freely because of a constricted urethra. This causes complications with passing urine and even during sexual intercourse. Here’s what can happen when the prostate squeezes the bladder and urethra:
• Restricted and hesitant urine flow
• Trouble starting and stopping the flow of urine
• Weak and hesitant urine stream
• Incessant urge to urinate which usually worsens at night
• A feeling that the bladder is still full
• Leaking after urine flow has ended
• Straining while urination

This age-related physical change is unfortunately, not preventable. But you can lessen the severity of the symptoms by making certain lifestyle modifications. All of us know the significance of a wholesome diet and regular exercise, and every bit of it applies here. Eat more fruits and vegetables and less of animal products. Stay away from alcohol. Stick to your exercise routine diligently. For men with a growing prostate, Super Beta Prostate is a great option. It contains plant sterols that inhibit swelling by binding to the prostate gland. This reduces the frequency of urination. Men who have used this supplement have reported feeling less distressed about their urinary woes and glad that they could sleep longer at night thanks to fewer bathroom trips. Look up a few Super Beta Prostate reviews if you wish to understand how plenty of men have used this prostate supplement with great results and no side effects.

A growing prostate is a very common condition in older men. You could be at risk if your father or brother ever had a prostate problem. If you’re over 50, pay close attention to your urinary flow. A change in urinary flow function is the most apparent sign of a growing prostate. Visit your doctor for an annual prostate exam especially if you’re at risk and educate yourself on natural and safe ways to effectively manage prostate health issues.

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The prostate gland undergoes a gradual change in size as men grow older. For men with a growing prostate, Super Beta Prostate is a great option ! Look up a few Super Beta Prostate reviews if you wish to understand how plenty of men have used this prostate supplement with great results and no side effects.

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