Managing an Enlarged Prostate

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    Nov 08, 2012
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In men, the prostate gland begins to expand significantly in size after the age of 40. An enlarged prostate is one of the most common urological conditions faced by men who are well into their middle age. As the expanding prostate pushes against the bladder and tightens around the urethra, it can cause trouble with urinary flow. Urine retention, a frequent need to urinate, dribbling after urine flow has ended are some of the common signs of prostate enlargement.

The good news is that an enlarged prostate can be managed with a little bit of proactive care and diligence. Lifestyle modifications regarding diet and exercise can bring a lot of relief for people suffering from prostate enlargement. If these troubles take a turn for the worse, they can affect your quality of life, disrupting your professional and personal life, and may require medical intervention.

How to Manage an Enlarged Prostate

  • For most men whose prostate enlargement is largely asymptomatic or producing very mild symptoms, doctors advise "watchful waiting" or "active surveillance". This means keeping a track of your condition, signs to look out for, and when to call a doctor. It's important to undergo a prostate exam annually as part of watchful waiting.
  • Urinate as often as possible. Using a technique known as "double void" can prove helpful – urinate once, wait a few moments and then urinate again. Never hold back the urge to urinate. Relax before visiting the bathroom. If you're tensed, you'll have more trouble urinating.
  • Don’t drink too many caffeinated drinks. Caffeine is a diuretic and will actually dehydrate your body causing you to urinate more frequently.
  • Keep yourself warm. Cool temperatures can worsen make the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
  • Dietary supplements like Super Beta Prostate Supplement help to maintain prostate health. Its primary ingredient, a plant extract, binds to the prostate and helps it to shrink, preventing age-related problems.
  • Alpha blockers are a type of muscle relaxant drugs that eases the pressure on the muscles surrounding the urethra, improving urinary flow. They are prescribed for patients who are experiencing severe urinary flow problems.
  • Surgery is another way to manage an enlarged prostate with serious complications. The most common procedure used is TURP (Transurethral Resection of the Prostate).

If you wish to try nutritional supplements, talk to your doctor whether it might be helpful. You can go through Super Beta Prostate reviews to find out what men have experienced after using it. As seen above, there are several options to manage prostate enlargement, each with its advantages and limitations. Talk to your doctor about the options in detail and weigh their pros and cons before you decide on the approach that works best for you.

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