Prostate Problems in Older Men

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    Mar 25, 2013
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Prostate Problems in Older Men Photo by Jeffrey Eadie

Prostate problems are the most common health concern faced by older men. It’s estimated that almost every third male above the age of 60 will experience some kind of prostate concern. Sadly, a majority of men have no clue about the prostate, its functioning, and what can go wrong with it.

The prostate is a small gland situated near the bladder, encircling the urethra. It produces a viscous fluid that’s a major component of semen. This fluid ensures better motility and survival of the sperm. The prostate doubles in size during puberty. Its growth then steadies till a man reaches 40 or 50. In some men, the prostate again undergoes a growth spurt, where it can grow to an extent that it presses down on the urethra and the bladder. This interferes with passage of urine and sexual intercourse. Strangely enough, not every man who has a growing prostate suffers from urinary troubles. Some men continue to remain asymptomatic while others face severe urinary discomfort. Take a look at the changes an expanding prostate can cause in relation to urinary flow.

Urinary Problems because of an Expanding Prostate

  • Trouble starting and stopping urine flow
  • Feeble urine stream
  • Hesitancy while urinating
  • A feeling that the bladder is full even after visiting the bathroom
  • Increased urge to urinate, especially at night
  • Leaking after urination

Most men don’t pay heed to these signs, thinking of them as signs of aging. They visit a doctor only when the urinary problems become unmanageable. Never ignore these signs, as they can evolve into something more sinister like kidney and bladder disease. Pay close attention to urinary flow especially if you’re above 50 and have a history of prostate troubles in your family. Also, altering your lifestyle to include a wholesome diet and regular exercise ensures better prostate health.

Follow these steps for a healthier prostate:

  • The prostate is averse to saturated fats found in animal products and processed foods. Eat fresh, organic produce and cut back on beef and red meat. Ditch the alcohol! Quit smoking.
  • Incorporate a few minutes of exercise in your schedule, no matter how busy you are. It strengthens the immune system, keeps diseases away, and keeps weight in check. Men who worked out consistently faced fewer prostate problems.
  • Don’t be fooled by reading a Super Beta Prostate scam report. It’s an herbal supplement containing plant and fruit ester that alleviate urinary discomfort by binding to the prostate gland and reducing inflammation. Plenty of men who have used this product report reduced bathroom trips and an improved quality of life. If you read a Super Beta Prostate Supplement review you’ll know that it’s devoid of any side effects, contains proven ingredients, and shows guaranteed results.

Don’t let prostate problems bother you. Visit your urologist for an annual prostate exam. In a nutshell, eat the right stuff, stay active, and talk to your doctor about any changes in your urinary flow and keep your prostate healthy and happy.

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Don’t be fooled by reading a Super Beta Prostate scam report. If you read a Super Beta Prostate Supplement review you’ll know that it’s devoid of any side effects, contains proven ingredients, and shows guaranteed results.

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