Penis Sensation Loss Finding Real Answers to a Sensitive Question

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    May 13, 2013
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Penis Sensation Loss Finding Real Answers to a Sensitive Question Photo by John Dugan

Men who are experiencing loss of penis sensation may feel like they are abnormal; after all, the penis is supposed to be the center of all pleasure… right? For any male who feels like his equipment is not up to par, a sense of isolation and hopelessness is not uncommon, as talking about this problem can feel like an admission of lack of manhood. However, loss of penis sensation is much more common than most people think, and it generally has nothing to do with a man’s virility. Instead, underlying health problems are often at the root of lack of penile sensitivity, and addressing these issues can reverse the problem.

Some of the common causes of loss of sensation are described here, along with effective approaches to managing the problem. In addition, some tips for proper penis care are included to help all men look after the family jewels.

Common issues that affect penile sensitivity -

  • Diabetes. Diabetes is an autoimmune disorder that involves an inability to process blood glucose (sugar) properly. While the effects on the body are complex, when it comes down to penis health, they can be boiled down to this: excess sugar in the blood stream acts as a toxin that damages nerve tissue. Often, the nerve pathways between the brain and penis are affected, and the transmission of sensation from the penis to the brain is interrupted. This leaves men with loss of sensitivity in the penis.

The most effective way to deal with this issue is to manage the diabetes properly, following a doctor’s instructions concerning diet, exercise, weight loss, and - if needed - medication.

  • Infection. Internal yeast infections have been linked to temporary loss of sensation in some men. Clearing up the infection should help to restore adequate sensation; men who suspect a candida infection should consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.
  • Cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease affects overall penis function, especially when it comes to matters of impotence. In terms of penile sensitivity, reduced circulation to the penis can leave the skin and nerve cells starved for oxygen, impairing their function and limiting penis sensation.
  • Overuse. Dry masturbation or sex can stress the outer layers of penis skin, causing a layer of keratinized, toughened tissue to form. Over time, this can dull the sensory ability of the penis, leading to decreased sensation and increased time needed to reach climax. Keeping the skin soft, well-hydrated and nourished with skin-friendly vitamins and other nutrients can help to alleviate this issue.
  • Past sexual abuse. Men who have experienced past sexual abuse may develop psychological barriers that prevent them from experiencing any pleasure related to sexual stimulation. Dealing with these issues through counseling may help some men to re-establish a physical-emotional connection that will allow them to enjoy sexual activity.
  • Depression. Depression has been linked in many cases to loss of penis sensation. Treating the depression through medication and/or talk therapy may be effective in reducing the negative effects of depression, including sexual repercussions. However, some medications used for treating depression may lead to reduced sex drive. If this occurs, an adjustment in prescriptions may be necessary.
  • Fear of intimacy. Men who are emotionally detached or who fear intimacy with a partner, for whatever reason, may have difficulty connecting the act of sex with pleasure, and they may feel little in the way of sensation when it comes to mutual play. Dealing with this problem can range from resolving relationship issues to counseling to address underlying emotional problems.

TLC for the male equipment

Improving penile sensation can involve a number of different approaches, from addressing medical issues to counseling to daily care. Men can take care of this last aspect of penis health by attention to personal hygiene and care for the penis skin. In addition to washing daily to remove dead skin cells, sweat and other body fluids, applying a high-quality penis health cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can provide the skin of the penis with the vitamins, antioxidants and skin-rejuvenating moisturizers it needs to stay healthy, resilient and responsive.

Author's Profile

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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