Make the right choices for Prostate Health

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    Jul 03, 2013
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Make the right choices for Prostate Health Photo by Jeffrey Eadie

Prostate is the main cause of urinary problems both benign & non benign enlargement and inflammation (prostatitis). Prostate related complications amount to 18000 new cases every year and it the most common in malignancy in males. So the questions are how and what are the right choices for men to maintain prostate health. Prostate leads to several ailments but these can also be brought about by lifestyle by urinary tract infection and by a diet which is rich in fat. Ageing in men leads to several complication as the prostate enlarges, this enlargement (which though benign) can cause obstruction which can be quite severe and painful. Prostate related issues are treatable if diagnosed in time. If diagnosis is delayed then this situation can spread to the other organs in the body.

Prostate health can be maintained if certain measures are in place and in their strict observation.

  • Diet plays a very important role in maintaining the prostate health and also acts as a preventive in  warding off complications that may arise out of it. Some of the inclusions in the diet are as follows.

                     A.     Eating of cruciferous vegetables.

                     B.     Omega-3s intake through consumption of fish and vegetable oils.

                     C.     Avoid or limit the consumption of saturated animal fat as it is linked to problems of prostate.

                     D.     Isothiocynetes and phytochemicals are protective as they also have antioxidants; these are available through the consumption of cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower.

                     E.      Whole grain contain selenium, phytochemicals and vitamin E and also offer fibre which is much needed to the body can help prevent further prostate complications.

  • Intake of fluids for men with already enlarged prostate is a necessity but care should be taken that they are non-alcoholic and consumption of caffeinated fluids is minimised.

Supplements like lycopene which is freely available in red grape fruit, water melons, tomatoes, reduce the risk of prostate complications. Vitamin E in the body is known to work well in the reduction of prostate related complications. Vitamin E deficiency is found to be low amongst men who smoke this exposes them to a greater risk to prostate related issues. Controlled intake whole grains, margarine, vegetable oils, seeds & nuts help in the improvement of the prostate condition.

Selenium is an antioxidant found in seafood, some meats, wheat bran & germ, brown rice and nuts (Brazilian variety) helps in the protection of prostate related complications. Isoflavones are found in soy products, is found to prevent enlargement of prostate and help in the slowing down of prostate tumour. Another supplement that helps in prostate health is ‘Super Beta Prostate’ a supplement which replenishes the necessary nutrients in the body and improves the performance of the prostate and thus prevents any complications that may arise out of it.

Read a few Super Beta Prostate Supplement reviews and find out what others have experienced by using. It helps to alleviate urinary problems associated with aging prostate health. Beta sitosterol, minerals like zinc and Vitamin D all help to promote prostate health.

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Supplement that helps in prostate health is Super Beta Prostate a supplement which replenishes the necessary nutrients in the body and improves the performance of the prostate and thus prevents any complications that may arise out of it. Read a few Super Beta Prostate Supplement reviews and find out what others have experienced by using.

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