Landscape Design Services

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    Aug 22, 2013
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Landscape Design Services Photo by Anne  Layman

Got yourself a new home and proud of the land within the estate? Well, you probably are going to need landscape design services to complement and further raise the value of your newly acquired property.

Sydney and almost every town in Australia has local landscaping specialists catering to a broad range of landscape design services and most of them offer FREE lawn and garden evaluation. Accepting the FREE evaluation from at least two or three landscape design service specialists is a good way to get a ball park figure on the costs and also to know the landscape design possibilities on your property.

Before you invite any consultant or firm for landscape design services:

a. You need to eye ball your property and mentally figure out the features you need to implement. This step is vital as the consultant you talk with is going to ask about the features you want implemented.

b. You need to be sure you are not going to change the design of the side of your home that will be facing your landscape. The Landscape garden design depends to a large extent on the features of the house as well as the topography of the area to be landscaped.

c. If you need your landscape design services to be financed, you should talk to your banker first so you have a clear understanding of the extent to which you can fund the landscape design service.

d. Take a walk in the neighbourhood. If you see a likely Landscape and garden design, stop and ask who the owners consulted for the landscape design service. Someone who did a good job for them is likely to do equally well at your place too.

Property Walk-through

Most landscape design service providers will seek a property walk-through. This gives them a good idea of the kind of landscape design that would best suit the existing Garden landscape designer and lay of the land. Any landscape design service specialist who gives you a quote sitting in his office, is taking you for a ride.

The property walk-thorough is vital because the specialists will use the opportunity to evaluate the land, existing garden, electrical conduits, drainage, sprinklers, water pipes, location of trees, etc. He (or she) will take lots of photos (and or a video) so they can refer to it during the design stage. The photos are vital as they also provide a 'before' and 'after' documentary evidence.

Estimate Costs

After completing the evaluation stage, the Landscape design consultants will need to discuss your budget with you. At this stage he will merely need a ball park figure. This is so he does not end up wasting time designing something grand for a person who has a small budget and vice-versa.

Discuss the landscape design

Once a rough sketch is ready, the Landscape designer will call you to discuss it. This is the refining process. Features are dropped or added based on the client's needs and a new sketch is done and refined. Once the client and the designer agree that it is perfect, the design is finalized, approved (by the client) and submitted for approval with the local authorities (if required). The final stage is the implementation of the finalized landscape design.

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Click Here For More Information : Landscape designer and Landscape design consultants

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