Landscaping Services Sydney

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    Aug 02, 2013
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Landscaping Services Sydney Photo by Anne  Layman

If you have a fair bit of land attached to your house, you can get it landscaped by selecting one of the many landscaping services providers in Sydney. Nothing in this world happens by chance. Even nature finely engineers everything. However, the human concept of beauty differs dramatically with nature. Nature creates beautiful landscapes too but it usually requires a large quantity of real estate for that - it does not usually create something beautiful in a small space. This is why landscaping services are a must because beautiful landscapes don't happen by chance.

High-end landscaping services Sydney

Sydney residents have a fair choice of landscaping service providers. There are specialist Landscape Contractors Sydney whose works are at the cutting edge of conceptual garden art. Tony Heywood is one such. He provides very high-end landscaping services but insists that he sees himself as neither a sculptor nor a landscape designer. He says he is humble horticultural installation artist who attempts to cross-fertilise the areas of fine art and garden design, using both inert matter and plant life.

Other Sydney based landscape designers include Claude Cormier. Cormier creates landscapes that he says are physical, sensual, and playful. He specializes in creating theme based landscapes. So if you have a theme based idea and need Garden maintenance services for it, Claude Cormier is the man who can deliver.

Tropical Paradise in your Landscaped Garden

If you love the tropics and would love to have a part of it in your landscaped garden, then landscape designer Monika Gora is the Tropical Landscaping designer you should be speaking to. Monika Gora specializes in creating sheltered gardens with exotic tropical plants that stay fresh year round. Sydney has a challenging microclimate of cold winters, hot summers, salt laden winds and tall overshadowing apartment buildings. For Gora, this is the perfect place for creating landscapes with an intriguing mix of sculpture, garden and architecture.

Landscaping Services in Sydney Specializing in Australian Native Plants

You can't go wrong when you opt for Australian native plants. They are hardy, perfectly suited for the local weather conditions and require little water and almost no maintenance. Your landscaped garden however, also needs to look nice. Fortunately, Sydney has just the right specialist for the job - Paul Thompson.

As Commercial landscape contractors, Thompson specializes in creative landscape compositions using the diversity and potential of indigenous flora. He knows which Australian native plants to select and more importantly, where to place them so as to heighten the beauty of your landscape.

Japanese Garden in Australia

Surprised? Don't be. Charles Jencks is a practising landscaping services provider in Sydney who specializes in crafting visually delightful Japanese gardens. If you love the neatness that is traditional to Japanese gardens as well as the beautiful architecture, call on Jencks as the Residential Landscaping specialist who can deliver.

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Click Here For More Information : Residential Landscaping And Landscape designer

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