Cleaning Up After a Construction Job

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    Jul 03, 2013
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Maid outfit for tomorrow party
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Cleaning up after a construction job requires a solid plan and a little experience. To begin, ensure that you have a nearby garbage dump that is prepared to accept your waste. You can call your municipal garbage collector or nearby garbage dump to request an OK on the materials you will be disposing of. When working on a construction site, always remain aware of the dangers present and be sure to wear proper protective gear such as a hard hat, breathing apparatus or face mask, protective goggles, earplugs, gloves, hard-toed footwear, gloves, and any other necessary equipment. When moving waste, always consider your waste removal path and ensure that you won’t be creating excess debris by moving materials around unnecessarily or roughly. When moving waste material, be thorough and check your work as you go to leave none behind.

If you are new to construction or are a do-it-yourself (DIY), please contact a professional housekeeping services company or consult with one at your hardware store to ensure that you are properly disposing of waste and that there is no danger to handling the materials that will be present during cleanup. There will be potential hazards such as when working with fiberglass insulation. This can cause lung irritation via inhaling dust as well as skin irritation from direct contact. Other dangers are caustic liquids and toxic paints, all of which will require care when handling. When cleaning up you can be exposed to these hazards more often than during installation since there is not as much concern to the well being of the leftover materials, so it is vital that you are alert and prepared for these challenges.

Removing waste yourself can be extremely time consuming, but if you have no other options it is best to set up a system that takes into consideration the area you are moving these waste materials to and from. If you work at the top of a building it is important to maintain a clean and safe environment after construction is finished, so make sure you set down tarps to protect the floors and remove any breakable objects in your path before carrying large objects to their destination. If you are using a truck bed to load materials be aware of the weight capacity of your vehicle. If using a rented Dumpster to make sure that the company providing it is able to take the materials that are being loaded into it.

Finally, the most important part of cleaning up is to be thorough. Check that you are leaving no material behind and that there is a clear goal as to how much dust and debris is allowable. If required, it might be best to use a high-powered suction device such as a power vacuum, leaf blower with a bag attachment, or any other device that will suit your needs. This will expedite the removal of small waste material after the larger pieces have been carried away and provide a professional finish to the cleanup process. With these considerations in mind you will have no problem cleaning up your construction site.

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If you are new to construction or are a do-it-yourselfer, please contact a professional or consult with one at your hardware store to ensure that you are properly disposing of waste and that there is no danger to handling the materials that will be present during cleanup.

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