How to Earn 12 Dollars Daily from Adsense
Google Adsense is the easy money making program most bloggers and web owners use in start. Unexpectedly it does not with simple effort. I remember still too that i check my Adsense balance often after every one hour caps anyone clicked my ads. I failed in my target most of time. There are zero or some visitors and none of them is clicked my ads. Every poor bloggers too do the same thing daily. They do not have enthusiasm to make post. They need money without any effort. How it is possible? The mission is impossible. After this, I search about; how to earn few dollars daily from Adsense. I got some useful information at internet very rarely. If i read 10 articles per day one of them is only useful and informative. I explain that how to earn 12 dollars per day from Adsense with my lengthily earning experience.
I found some interesting suggestions while i search, create 12 websites each earn 1 dollar per day to earn 12 dollar daily from Adsense. First of you cool, it is possible and very hard to do. Who will ready to create 12 websites? Earn 12 dollars daily is possible with your existing single blog or website. I already finished this task. So i am targeting 24 dollars per day. I provide you some tips to earn 12 dollars daily from Adsense with my experiences still.
Niche keyword you select is the main tag.
Your website or blog should have high paying keywords to impress high paying ads in it. Each click you received should earn 1 to 3 dollar. That keyword would the best selection to create a blog or website. Some clicks bring 0.01 dollars too. Ads are shown in your blog automatically according to keywords your blog have. As the summery of this keyword earn 1 to 3 dollar is the good selection to blog.
Your blog should have around 3000 search engine visitors daily.
Automatic traffic plays an important place to earn money with Adsense. You should have the amount organic traffic by posting articles with highly searching keywords. Your blog need 3000 search engine traffic and 4400 page views per day to finish the goal 12 dollars daily from Adsense.
Place your ads on startup locations of blog.
You can place your ads anywhere. You should place at least one of ad in above the fold. Above the fold is the location any visitors can see your ad without scrolling bar in the internet browser. I suggest ad ads 300x250 and 336x260 after head and content above it better makes high CTR and eCPM. First ad slot loaded into your blog is served as high paying ads by Google. So, place ads correctly to earn 12 dollars daily from Adsense.
Tips other than of these are common and available many times on websites. The main point you should keep is 3000 visitors daily via search engine. Number of visits and source of traffic is the main thing to complete your target.
The number of visits is different to each blog according to its content and keyword selection. If you have enough high paying keyword and regular search engine traffic, then 3 clicks to earn 12 dollars daily.
All of these are estimate to earn 12 dollars daily. You only need to understand requirements to earn 12 dollars daily.