Tips for Using Twitter Marketing Successfully
Twitter marketing is fast becoming a popular way to promote your business, and it is also a very effective one that any entrepreneur should learn to use. There are some basic steps you should learn about how to effectively use Twitter for marketing so that you can make it work to your advantage as a useful tool to promote your business. It can easily be used to bring in leads, sales and more opportunities for your business if you just know a few simple tips.
Easy Tips for Twitter Marketing
One thing that people get confused about in regards to Twitter marketing is whether or not to have a separate account for their business Twitter. It is very advisable to just stick with one Twitter account, especially when you are just starting out. This way, there will be less confusion and you won't have to worry about which tweets were on which account. Also, with Twitter you want to stay on a personal level with your contacts because people on Twitter don't want to feel like they are being talked at by a sales pitch. They want to talk with an actual person.
On that note, keep your Twitter page on a personal level. Use your own photo for your account photo, rather than your business logo. When you use your personal picture, people really feel like they are talking with a person and will be more willing to listen to you and get to know more about you and your business. Also, carefully consider what information you will place in your bio, as it is generally a large deciding factor of whether or not someone will follow you on Twitter.
There is no set rule as to how many tweets you should do every day, but for regular status updates or tweets 1-3 times per day is average. The main tool for conversations on Twitter are mentions, and there and the more conversation the better, so there really is no limit to the amount of @mentions you use.
Keep in touch with other people on Twitter. You will be surprised as to how many people will follow you if you start following them first, and this is one of the best Twitter marketing strategies. This is a great way to build up your base of other corporate-minded people doing business in the same areas as you or in areas of marketing that could help to boost your business even more.
Also, don't forget that you can use Twitter to promote instantly to a lot of people any sales or specials that you are running on products or services you might be offering.
Using these and other tactics for Twitter marketing can help give your business a big boost and get you and your business spread amongst a lot more people quickly. Just by being personable and keeping in conversations and giving regular updates, you will be sure to find a larger following in a short amount of time than you might have expected.