Facts of List Building

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    Sep 05, 2012
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In this brief lesson we will touch on the idea of giving away ebooks to master your email list. Giving away ebooks to build your list is one of the top ways that people choose today. Because of this you are giving your customers, which becomes your list, something of value in return for their name and email address.

To start this process you will need to set up a squeeze page that offers your customer a free ebook. They would then enter their name and email and that would take them to your download page. When at the download page your customer gets to download your free ebook. Now that your eBook is on the world wide web being pasted around. You need to add links in your ebook, so that when anyone reads your eBook the links that you have put in. People can click on and order the product that you have recommend to them in your ebook. Also you may want to consider giving your customers the rights to give your eBook away. This is just another way to grow your list and add traffic for free at the same time.

List building is not as hard as it may seem or what people claim. The fact is just sitting down and doing it is the hardest part of it. Just remember most people are very reluctant to let loose of their information to just anyone. So be sure you are offering them something of value in return for their name and email address. When you have got their information, that is the beginning of a relationship and trust that you can make money and keep for along time if you treat it right. Well there you have it in short form. One of the best ways to build your list by giving away ebooks. Good luck and may your list grow with leaps and bounds.

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