How To Start A Blog In 5 Easy Steps

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    Aug 28, 2012
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If you are new to blogging and aren't quite sure how to start a blog, this step by step list will help you get started. Whether you want to blog as a way to make a little extra money, as a source for promoting a business or if you want to start a personal blog the process of starting the blog is pretty straightforward. The majority of blogger sites are user friendly and some of them are free, except for the domain name and hosting fee.

1. Decide what the topic of your blog will be. It can be a personal blog with details of your everyday life; it can be for your favorite hobby or any other topic that you will enjoy blogging about. There really isn't a limit to the topics you can choose from for a blog. If you are stuck and cannot think of a specific topic you want to write about, spend some time reading other blogs to help spark your own ideas.

2. Choose blogging software. There is a vast array of options to choose from such as Blogger or Wordpress. Choose the one that is best suited for your needs and that is easy for you to navigate through. If you want to start a blog for a source of earning money, you will need to choose a hosting package and a domain name. Both of these can usually be bought from sites such as for $20 or less. When blogging for money, you will also need to add Google AdSense or another affiliate marketing tools to your blog.

3. Regardless of the blogging software you choose, there will be a variety of options to customize your blog. Adapt the blog to the topic you will blogging about, for example add pictures of the topic to the page and choose the background colors that will add personality to your blog.

4. Write your first blog post. Typically the first post is to welcome readers to your blog and to explain what the goal is for the blog. This post doesn't need to be long, but it should provide detailed information. It is recommended that you try to blog daily, or at least 3 or 4 times each week. Your audience and followers will grow if they can expect new posts on a regular basis. Learn everything you can about SEO and keywords, as this will help your blog gain more readers and if you are blogging for money, it will help increase the revenue.

5. Promote, promote and promote your blog. If you spend a few minutes each day promoting your blog, it will increase your traffic and ultimately increase the revenue you earn from the blog.

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