HTML 5 features

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    Aug 28, 2012
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HTML ( Hyper Text Markup Language), is The language that is understood by web browsers, and is used to publish documents to the world wide web (server), to be viewed by other web browsers (client); it uses "tags" to tell the server how to return, or display it's content (documents/web page) on the client computer. Content is transferred by HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), the means by which computers communicate, and the method web browsers use to view documents created using Html; the router decides the best route to use to transfer data between the client, and server computer on the World Wide Web.

HTML 5, The latest language understood by web browsers, is still under development and is expected to be completed 2012-2013. It is an extension of HTML 4.0, and contains a collection of enhancements and features to create modern web applications. It is the 5th revision of the HTML standard, and contains the latest new technology. HTML 5 offers accessibility for a wider range of operating systems, browsers, desktop or mobile devise anywhere, anytime; Geolocation Technology determines the location of a computer, or mobile devices, by the use of its IP address (reveals country). It is returned to the web server in order for it to provide relevant information such as, local map display, and details of local stores (restaurant, gas stations etc,). It improves web connectivity by informing the user of wi-fi access, and can notify client of the nearness of friends, collages and acquaintances. (coming soon)

Other features of Html 5 include, the Canvas tag, which provides web developers with the means to draw
2-D graphics within a web page without the use of plugins, such as java or flash. The Audio/Video tag, allows playback (music, movies) directly from within the Html tag, without third party proprietary (plug-ins or code); it is as easy to use as the embed tag. Form Controls can change the method (get or post) of a form with this attribute. You can change the destination of a form to change the target frame, tab or window; data lists can be included in forms. Several new values support this type attribute, i.e. color, date or month. Form includes calendar, date, time, email, URL search and more. New tag attribute microdata, is designed to enable a document to have the same meaning to a machine, as it does to the reader. Use of it clearly defines the properties of an item (author, publisher, contents etc.).

Some web applications use heavy scripts to perform functions; the Web Worker feature, uses separate background threads for processing, and does not effect the performance of the web pages. New worker script will wait in the background for messages to be sent, then act on it. The aim of this script is to increase speed up to 2-3 times over a regular background script. Support for local storage through the use of Application Caches will allow web pages to store more information on the visitors computer; it works like cookies but allows larger files. Through the use of offline web applications, once you visit a site, HTML 5 tells the browser about the files it uses, the browser can then download them all; they can then be run, with or without an Internet connection.

Although there are many more features for HTML 5, all are not yet available for use by web site developers and computers.

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