Coping with Andropause

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    Apr 02, 2013
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Coping with Andropause Photo by John Andrews

Most of us are familiar with the term menopause and the suffering a woman goes through during that stage. But how many of us know even men suffer from menopause, which is usually referred to as male menopause or andropause. Just like women, this is caused due to hormonal fluctuations, mainly decreasing testosterone, which can upset a man’s quality of life.

Testosterone is an incredibly important steroid hormone that plays a central role in physical and behavioral functions all throughout a man’s life. Its production in the body begins a gradual decline once a man reaches 40. When levels fall, it may produce several side effects such as loss of libido, decreased muscle strength, reduced energy, weak bones, and abdominal weight gain. But fortunately, these can be controlled easily and effectively by making simple lifestyle modifications. Given below are some tips about diet, exercise, and other lifestyle changes you can follow and get rid of the annoying andropause symptoms.

Coping with Andropause
• Incorporate a healthy eating pattern. Pro-testosterone foods such as red meat, chicken, eggs, salmon, herring, nuts (walnuts, pecans, and almonds), coconuts and avocados are full of healthful fats that trigger the body to produce more of this important hormone. Oysters and dried pumpkin and watermelon seeds are high in zinc content – zinc is essential for good sexual health. Don’t eat too much junk food – it’ll make you sluggish and worsen your symptoms.
• Get into the habit of working out every day or at least five days a week. Lifting weights pumps up your testosterone levels and also increases muscle mass. Walking, swimming, and running are also good forms of exercises. They also help to keep your weight in check and are great hormone builders.
• Maintain a positive attitude toward life. A strong mental attitude is important for a healthy mind and body. Find satisfaction in your professional and personal life.
• Alternative therapies and nutritional supplements can increase testosterone levels. A good example is Ageless Male, composed of fenugreek seed extract, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. You’ll experience increased stamina, endurance, and sexual desire. Ageless Male reviews indicate that almost all men who used it have reported satisfactory results and no side effects.
• Use stress reduction techniques like yoga and meditation if you’re suffering from anxiety and depression. Connect with friends, indulge in your favorite pastime, and find more time to pursue your hobbies.

Andropause is a natural process, and almost a half of all men above the age of 40 experience it to some degree. It hits some men harder than others. The bottomline is: change your dietary habits, get moving, de-stress, and take control of your life. An unhealthy lifestyle will only add to your woes and send your health spiraling downward. Get help from your spouse or significant other or work with your doctor on the best possible strategies that’ll help you overcome the bothersome symptoms of andropause.

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Ageless Male, composed of fenugreek seed extract, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. You’ll experience increased stamina, endurance, and sexual desire. Ageless Male reviews indicate that almost all men who used it have reported satisfactory results and no side effects.

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