Diagnosis and management treatment of AIDS

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    Sep 05, 2012
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In my last two article I have been described AIDS history ,its cause and symptoms....now its time to know about its diagnosis and treatment...

Laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection...
HIV infection can be diagnosed by serological,molecular and virological tests.But serological test are most commenly used all over the world for screening as well as confirmation of HIV infection.Since isolation and identification of HIV is a costly and complex and time consuming process and also does not have a good success rate,confirmation of diagnosis through enzyme based immunoassay is economical as well as practical for screening a large population.

Tets are describe below
1 Screening test
*immunofiltration base tests (dot blot assay and spot assay)
*immunochromatography tests(comb,spot test)
*practicle agglutination tests
2..supplemental test
test done on serum samples reactive in screening test to confirm the result include..
*second and third Elisa/rapid/simple
*western blot

prevention of HIV infection takes place by the following measures
*safe sex...that means use of condom
*avoid getting tattoos,acupuncture,nose and ear piercing with infected needle
*knows your own HIV status and that of your potential spouse before entering into marriage or sexual life
*avoid injury in hospitals,use of gloves while handling blood and blood products
*always use new syringe needles and blade
*always practice persional hygien and dont indulge in unprotected carnal contacts

prevention of HIV infection seems to be the only hope for containment of the HIV infection pandemic at moment.British scientists recently announced a seprate trial to test a microbicide developed to stem the spread of HIV.Thousand of women in Uganda and south africa are being enrolled to test pro 2000 ,a gel applied to vagina that has been shown to block the entry of the virus .The MRC clinical trial unit and imperial college london will coordinate the study.But there is no curative treatment or an effective vaccine against HIV infection at present.Only few anti retro viral drug have been developed but they are toxic and expensive.In my last two article I have been described AIDS history ,its cause and symptoms....now its time to know about its diagnosis and treatment... Laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection... HIV infection can be diagnosed by serological,molecular and virological tests.But serological test are most commenly used all over the world for screening as well as confirmation of HIV infection.Since isolation and identification of HIV is a costly and complex and time consuming process and also does not have a good success rate,confirmation of diagnosis through enzyme based immunoassay is economical as well as practical for screening a large population. Tets are describe below 1 Screening test ELISA/RAPID/SIMPLE TEST *immunofiltration base tests (dot blot assay and spot assay) *immunochromatography tests(comb,spot test) *practicle agglutination tests 2..supplemental test test done on serum samples reactive in screening test to confirm the result include.. *second and third Elisa/rapid/simple *western blot *immunoblot *IFA *RIBA MANAGEMENT of HIV prevention of HIV infection takes place by the following measures *safe sex...that means use of condom *avoid getting tattoos,acupuncture,nose and ear piercing with infected needle *knows your own HIV status and that of your potential spouse before entering into marriage or sexual life *avoid injury in hospitals,use of gloves while handling blood and blood products *always use new syringe needles and blade *always practice persional hygien and dont indulge in unprotected carnal contacts prevention of HIV infection seems to be the only hope for containment of the HIV infection pandemic at moment.British scientists recently announced a seprate trial to test a microbicide developed to stem the spread of HIV.Thousand of women in Uganda and south africa are being enrolled to test pro 2000 ,a gel applied to vagina that has been shown to block the entry of the virus .The MRC clinical trial unit and imperial college london will coordinate the study.But there is no curative treatment or an effective vaccine against HIV infection at present.Only few anti retro viral drug have been developed but they are toxic and expensive.

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