3 Useful Tips for Digital Marketing on a Budget

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    Aug 26, 2014
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3 Useful Tips for Digital Marketing on a Budget Photo by James Mcinally

Digital marketing can turn into an expensive venture. You need to make sure you are getting the money back. The worst possible outcome is spending a lot of money only to discover that the number of customers gained in return is worth less than what was shelled out in the first place.

If you are not working with a digital agency in Glasgow, there are ways you can make the most of your digital marketing efforts. Let us look at some of the ways you can make the most of your marketing campaign on a budget.

1. Build a Blog

Anyone can build a blog. There are lots of different blog platforms you can get up and running in a matter of minutes, including WordPress and Blogger. A blog is essential for maintaining your site’s appeal. It is your only source of fresh content. Use it to communicate with your customers and keep people coming back for more.

Try to post something new every week or so to keep things ticking over. Obviously, it is best to post as often as possible, but only post if you actually have something to say. This is a tactic you can take advantage of completely free of charge.

2. Analyse Everything

Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor the performance of everything you post. Any digital marketing agency in Glasgow knows the importance of proper analysis. Part of making sure you stick to your budget is ensuring you do not spend money on things that are not working.

By analysing every social media post and blog, you can direct your resources to where they are needed most. If a certain type of social media posting pattern gets the most exposure, you know not to waste time and money on anything else.

3. Talk to People!

It is really that easy. Talking takes time and nothing else. Despite the fact we have come up with a range of clever marketing techniques over the years, talking to people directly is always going to get the best reaction.

There are two ways you can do this:

Firstly, you can wait for people to talk to you. Whenever you receive a comment on a blog, respond to it and engage them in a discussion. Ask them questions to keep the conversation going. People want to know they can speak to the company directly and expect a response. It is the right way to make a positive impression.

Your second option is to find people to speak to. Any digital agency will tell you this is a matter of finding people on social media and talking to them. Chime in on a discussion about something relevant to your business. Ask for their opinions and give your own.

The key to proper engagement is to not try to push an agenda onto whom everyou are speaking to. People do not want to have to listen to a long promotional speech from you. It is intimidating, irritating, and it is likely to turn them off. Subtly push your products over an extended period. They will check them out if they really want to.

Author's Profile

XL Web is a digital marketing agency in Glasgow. They provide a range of marketing services to enable companies to succeed on a budget.

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