How to Use Google Maps SEO to Establish Trust

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    Dec 27, 2012
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Optimizing a website using Google Maps SEO could provide a business with leverage it needs to establish trust. However, localized search traffic is very competitive. Everyone wants the number one spot.

What to Do?

It helps to understand what Google SEO services will help a business place as high as possible in local search results. It also benefits advertisers when they realize that it is not just about appearing randomly online, but also about establishing greater trust. In fact, Google had a certain “Trust Rank” scoring system they used at one time to help local residences find the right companies to turn to in need.

According to one source, Google no longer calls it “Trust Rank” specifically. However, the principle is still the same. The more times a business is mentioned online, the better placement it receives in any search results, including the ones of map search engines. Furthermore, the websites with a higher reputation are the ones that companies want to be linked to, and as a result establish a better rapport with their community.

High-quality inbound and outbound links to the right sites increases the validity of a legitimate company. This increases that business’ ability to serve more people locally. Oftentimes, this increased popularity comes with social interaction on the Internet.

In the past, one of the most prominent places for interacting with a target audience personally was Facebook. It still is. However, now Google+ is helping connect people with businesses while people use this search engine to find providers in their local neighborhoods.

In fact, part of the Google Maps SEO process involves integrating Google+ into Pay Per Click ad results. This further helps establish trust among people who are seeking answers online. They would more likely than not rather buy from a company who engages thoughtfully with the people around it. In this case, they would be interacting online with colleagues and clients who can vouch for them.

Probably the most valuable of all the Google SEO services for local optimization provided today is the reviews. Anyone has the right to comment on a specific business and they can rate it. It is these evaluations by real people that matter the most as a provider promotes its products and expertise.

However, it also is in the use of the right keywords in online profiles that helps. The terms that are most relevant to the type of industry promoted on a website would benefit that website owner the most.

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Steve B enjoys writing articles for View the Steve B Author Profile

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