What Is The Biggest Online Marketing Mistakes Your Company Is Making?

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    Aug 27, 2014
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What Is The Biggest Online Marketing Mistakes Your Company Is Making? Photo by James Mcinally

Online marketing is important for both SEO and connecting with your target audience. Although you might think you are doing all the right things, the results you expect are simply not appearing. It is not due to bad luck. You are making some of the common marketing mistakes many companies make.

Approach any digital agency and they will be able to tell you what you are doing wrong. In the meantime, read this guide for some additional information on what could be going wrong.

Manufactured Viral Campaigns

We all want our marketing campaigns to go viral. A lot of us mistakenly believe this will lead us to the Promised Land. Turn on the TV and it will not take long until you see an advertisement that attempts to be entertaining for the purposes of creating a viral effect.

The problem is many of these viral campaigns are completely flawed. They do not hit the target audience and they are not of any use beyond simple entertainment. Your campaign needs to be able to encourage customers to find out more. If it is not doing this, it is a failure.

Focusing on the Numbers Too Much

Numbers are always important, but the problem is that companies focus too much on them. They are obsessed with things like bounce rates and traffic levels. We are not discounting the importance of all these things, but the problem is they do not translate to making any money. This is an old-fashioned SEO company view. They are all about the numbers but no substance.

Concentrate on paying customers and making customers do what you want. Avoid becoming too enthralled by the numbers you see on Analytics.

Best Practices

There is always a new book claiming to reveal all the best practices of marketing. These were inspired by industries like engineering and medicine. The problem is the online channel has existed in a mainstream capacity for less than a decade. It is too young and fast-paced to have any best practices.

Do not focus on them. Focus on what works right now because that is how those best practices were created. They were circumstantial.

Obsession with a Competitor’s Conversion Rate

This is the same problem you will get when working with an SEO agency. You are looking at the conversion rates of your competitors, or maybe an entire industry. Companies make the mistake of targeting these conversion rates. They believe that by trying to hit what everyone else is already hitting they are going to make themselves into an overnight success story.

Wrong. The fact of the matter is this is called aiming for average. Do not be content with average. Aim for the skies and continue to demand more of your company. By falling into the trap of aiming for a threshold and sticking there, you are essentially telling yourself that you are happy with average.

Overall, these digital marketing mistakes focus on the mind-set and the putting together of a strategy. Most companies already set themselves up for failure at the earliest stage. This is why it is essential you take some extra time to come up with a credible strategy designed to get you the results you need.

Author's Profile

XL Web is a digital agency offering a range of SEO and marketing services to companies. This SEO agency can teach you about a number of the mistakes you are making in the digital marketing arena.

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