Opinionated Me: The WWE In The 2000's

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    Oct 21, 2012
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I've watched professional wrestling now for about twenty-six years.  I've flopped from the original NWA to the AWA and back to WCW, which was the newer format of the NWA.  Now those are all gone with the WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment eventually owning most of the rights to them.  I switched to the WWE when it was still the WWF years ago.  I'd always flip the channels and checked it out on and off through the years just to see who was on there.  I saw such wrestlers as Hulk Hogan and his rise, Randy Savage and Elizabeth with the first wrestling entertainment wedding I ever saw, and the infamous DX comprised of Triple H and Shawn Michaels.  The more clips I caught the more I got interested in the program.

Now I've watched the WWE for about a decade and a half and I think that it's in its worst all time state ever! Yes, all the generation of sports entertainers that first interested me are either retired or passed on but even as they were thinning out back in the early 2000's they still kept me enthralled.  However, these last two years I've been extremly bored while watching both Raw and Smackdown and me and my friend's habit of watching every single pay-per-view has all but slowed to a halt!

Why?  It's simple.  I feel like they've gotten rid of a lot of entertaining characters and replaced them with boring or just plain ridiculous elements.  For instance, they have a entertainer on there now named Brodus Clay who comes out and dances with two women before his match.  Now I'm sorry, and I in no way condemn heavy people being one myself, but watching a man who looks to be at least 300 hundred pounds with no muscle shaking it in the middle of the ring in tights is not my cup of tea!  He calls himself the "Funkasaurus" and I suppose he is intended to make people laugh, but I think it's down right silly!

Not only that, I think they've pushed (a wrestling entertainment phrase for giving certain people a push up the ladder) a number of characters without their deserving it.  Alberto Del Rio is the most prominent one to come to mind.  The only thing that makes him special is his relation to the popular luchador, Mil Mascaras.  He's not that outstanding or special in the ring and his promos are irratating but the WWE feels he should be in the top ten.  Question mark to the mind!  Why?  Is it because they think he makes an excellent heel (bad guy) or do they see something I don't?  Who knows!

Both Raw and Smackdown were cool shows but now I can't wait for them to end.  Yes, I have the choice of not watching anymore, but being a true fan of sports entertainment I keep hoping something will improve and spark my interest again.  Or I hope they will bring back lasting story lines to go with their feuds.  It seems they've simply got guys arguing back and forth about how good they are, with a constant "We don't get along" theme!  If I want to watch that kind of stuff I'll just check out a debate or news shows.  All in all in the WWE would bring back one or two of the old elements it used to have and make their shows what they used to be, I would probably start ordering pay-per-views again and bite off anyone's hand that attempted to change the channel while either Raw or Smackdown is on!  Right now in my opinion, the WWE has spun out!

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