Obesity and Prostate Health

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    Jul 08, 2013
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Junk Food Paradise
Junk Food Paradise
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What does obesity have to do with the health of your prostate? Studies have shown a strong link between obesity and prostate growth. A study published in the journal Urology states: “Advanced age, obesity, increased fat intake, decreased physical activity, and diabetes increase the risk of BPH development".1

Other studies linked high caloric intake, diets higher in protein, or diets that are high in certain polyunsaturated fats to increase the risk of prostate growth. In fact, some scientists believe that obesity may actually stimulate or trigger the growth of the prostate gland.2

Watch your weight!

Men who want to maintain healthy prostate functions as they age, should take care that they do not become overweight or obese. We’d recommend you join a gym or make sure you engage in some form of regular physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle is also one that raises the risk of prostate growth along with a diet that is predominant in red meat and saturated fats.

Adopt a new lifestyle!

Eating healthy is not only good for prostate health, but overall health as well. Heart health, insulin resistance are weight-related health disorders that may be modified just by changing your lifestyle. Today, you can turn over a new leaft. Get rid of all the junk food lying in your fridge and start making healthy lifestyle choices. Even a 30-minute brisk walk can work wonders if done regularly.


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1. https://www.clinicalkey.com/topics/urology/benign-prostatic-hyperplasia.html.
2. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/5077569/ns/health-diet_and_nutrition/t/can-men-prevent-enlarged-prostate/#.UdhRa_lTBsk

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Super Beta Prostate has all the necessary nutrients essential for healthy prostate functions. You may have already heard of it and may be thinking is Super Beta Prostate Scam? Check out on Super Beta Prostate Review to see what users have to say about this product before trying it.

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