How Lifestyle Changes Reduce Prostate Problems

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    Mar 25, 2013
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How Lifestyle Changes Reduce Prostate Problems Photo by Jeffrey Eadie

About a million men over the age of 50 experience prostate health issues at some point in their lives. The most common condition most men go through is an expanding prostate. Symptoms can include a feeble urine stream, hesitancy to urinate, dribbling after urination, and an urgency to urinate which increases twofold at night. Prostate problems can’t be reversed, but making lifestyle changes can ease some of the troubles.

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Prostate Problems

  • Eat well. A diet rich in fiber, antioxidants, whole grains, lean protein, vitamins, and minerals is important for prostate health. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Omega-3 fatty acids protect prostate and heart health and are found in oily fish such as salmon, all kinds of nuts, coconuts, avocados, and olive oil.
  • Eat soy products. Men who consumed soywere less likely to suffer from serious prostate issues.
  • Don’t consume saturated fat and limit junk and fast food.
  • Lose weight. If you’re overweight, devise a meal and fitness program that’ll help you shed the extra flab.
  • Perform Kegel exercises. Do 5 sets a day, with 10 repetitions in each set. Kegels tone the bladder muscles and help you achieve better control over urine flow.
  • Try herbal remedies. Super Beta Prostate Supplement contains Beta Sitosterol, the plant and fruit ester that has the unique ability to bind to the prostate gland to reduce swelling. The supplement also contains zinc, selenium, copper, and chromium for optimum prostate health. It has no side effects and reduces nighttime urination helping men to sleep longer at night, as indicated by Super Beta Prostate reviews.
  • Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics and increase urinary flow. Limit their consumption and don’t drink any such beverage a few hours prior to bedtime.
  • Antihistamines and decongestants stimulate bladder muscles and weaken contractions, further obstructing urinary flow. Don’t use them without consulting your doctor.
  • Go to the bathroom as often as possible, even if your bladder doesn’t feel full. Practice double voiding. After you urinate, relax for a few moments, and urinate again. This helps to adequately empty the bladder and inhibit urinary retention.
  • Keep warm in cool weather. Cold temperatures result in increased urination; so bundle up if temperatures drop.
  • Schedule an annual prostate exam, especially if there’s a history of prostate problems in your family. It’s the best way to detect a problem early. Early detection increases the chances of successfully controlling any health issue.


The steps above will go a long way in reducing prostate troubles. Never ignore prostate problems, which are usually apparent through a change in urinary flow functions. If not corrected on time, they can lead to other serious problems such as kidney disease and bladder stones. A growing prostate not only affects urinary flow, it can also interfere with sexual functions. Be proactive in making smart lifestyle choices and strive for better prostate health so you can enjoy a happy and worry-free old age!

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Super Beta Prostate Supplement contains Beta Sitosterol, the plant and fruit ester that has the unique ability to bind to the prostate gland to reduce swelling.It has no side effects and reduces nighttime urination helping men to sleep longer at night, as indicated by Super Beta Prostate reviews.

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