Effects of Modern Lifestyle on Testosterone Levels

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    Jul 10, 2013
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Effects of Modern Lifestyle on Testosterone Levels Photo by John Andrews

Testosterone levels fall drastically among men of a certain age. Testosterone production reduces by 1% every year after a man turns 30, but in a lot of the men diagnosed with low testosterone, the levels are far lower than what can be considered to be normal.
This drop in testosterone levels can lead to a plethora of problems. Weak libido, lower muscle strength, depression, and a waning desire for physical intimacy. This can impact male behavior severely, as intimate relationships suffer, work levels and work performance drops, resulting in low self-esteem. Men may also find it difficult to concentrate for long durations.

Studies show that modern lifestyles have a major part to play in the dropping of testosterone levels.

How modern lifestyle impacts testosterone levels

● Increase in weight. Today’s fast foods, take-outs, processed foods are not as healthy as home-cooked meals. Sad to say, most of us are addicted to unhealthy snacking between meals resulting in excess baggage particularly in the form of belly fat. Being overweight can lead to a drop in testosterone levels. IF body fat accumulates greatly, particularly around the midsection area, it can lead to lower testosterone levels. Studies have shown that an increase of the Body Mass Index (BMI) by as little as 5 points results in a drop of testosterone levels equivalent to 10 years of normal aging.

● Inactivity. It has been found that a sedentary lifestyle or a sudden discontinuation of exercise routines may lower the body’s testosterone count. In particular, the reduction in cardiovascular exercise routines, or exercises that increase the heart rate and rate of respiration for a definite span of time, have been known to cause decreased testosterone levels.

● Unhealthy diet and increased substance abuse. Eating junk food, excessive fatty foods and loading up on sugar can all be detrimental to testosterone count. This problem is only compounded further when accompanied by strong levels of alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking and drug abuse. All three vices are detrimental to testosterone levels and should be eliminated from daily consumption.

● Stress, anxiety, rest and sleeping patterns. A stressful lifestyle has been known to cause testosterone level to drop. Consistently high anxiety levels can also prove to be detrimental to testosterone growth. Even inadequate rest and irregular sleeping patterns have an effect on testosterone levels.

● Lack of outdoor activity. Vitamin D is good for the body. It is also good for testosterone production. Modern lifestyle has reduced man’s exposure to vitamin D’s primary source; the sun, and this has had a detrimental effect on testosterone levels.
Lifestyle changes can be made to help maintain a high level of testosterone in the body. They are easy to carry out and are backed by medical research in terms of effectiveness.

These modifiable measures include a healthy diet and appropriate exercise. In terms of dieting, foods that are high in minerals, proteins and healthy fats are advisable to give a flagging testosterone count a boost. Examples of such foods are eggs, lean meats, dairy products, fish such as salmon and mackerel, olive oil, avocados and walnuts among others. Balance is the key word here; eating moderate amounts of all kinds of foods are important in maintaining a high testosterone count.

Herb-based supplements that provide the appropriate nutrition, such as Ageless Male are also highly beneficial. This supplement contains every nutritious value the body needs to help with testosterone, such as magnesium, zinc, vitamin B6 and Testofen. Ageless Male reviews written by users of the supplement are good indicators of its usefulness; in fact, going through Ageless Male supplement reviews is a real eye-opener in terms of the popularity of the supplement among its users.

Cardio exercise and pumping iron are both remedies to further help testosterone increment. Yoga, cycling, swimming, running and weight training are all valuable forms of exercise in this regard.
A combination of the three methods, diet, supplements and exercise will help balance out testosterone levels, and keep the demons of low testosterone and the problems associated with it at bay. 

1. Relationship between BMI, total testosterone, sex hormone-binding-globulin, leptin, insulin and insulin resistance in obese men. By Osuna JA, Gómez-Pérez R, Arata-Bellabarba G, Villaroel V. – Archives of Andrology. Sep-Oct 2006

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Ageless Male reviewswritten by users of the supplement are good indicators of its usefulness; in fact, going through Ageless Male supplement reviewsis a real eye-opener in terms of the popularity of the supplement among its users.

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