Avoiding Itchy Penis and Other Hygiene Horrors

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    May 22, 2013
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Avoiding Itchy Penis and Other Hygiene Horrors Photo by John Dugan

As legions of mothers and wives can attest, men aren't known for their tidiness skills. In fact, the average guy can likely handle all sorts of conditions that a woman would find absolutely intolerable. Even the most slovenly man might pay attention to matters of hygiene, however, when it's date night and action is imminent. Some optimistic men might even scrub downstairs on a daily basis, remaining prepared in case something wonderful and unexpected happens. While daily washing like this can be beneficial, it can also be catastrophic for penis health, if it's done improperly, leading to an itchy, red penis. Following a few basic steps can help men to amend their ways.

Choosing the Right Tools

The typical shower stall is full of all kinds of implements a man could wield on his equipment, including:

  • Washcloths
  • Shampoo
  • Perfumed soap
  • Body wash

All of these items could do major damage to penile skin and the little flora that inhabit this tissue. Bombing the area with detergents and scraping at the cells with foreign objects can remove important lubrication and replace that beneficial matter with scratches and pain. Only two ingredients are needed for proper cleaning: hands and warm water. Everything else should be banned from the groin.

The Proper Technique

Men who have been circumcised can rinse the area with warm water and use their fingers to remove any germs and contaminants. Men who are uncut have a few more steps to follow, but the entire procedure shouldn't take more than a few moments. A rinse of the exterior starts the process, and when the skin is warm and relaxed, the foreskin should be retracted as far as is comfortable. Then, a gentle rinse and a mild massage with the fingertips should be sufficient to remove any dead skin cells and bacteria. The foreskin can then be pulled back into place.

It's worth reiterating that harsh soaps and deep scrubbing have no place in this procedure. Detergents can cause damage that can lead to dry, itchy penis skin. Scrubbing can cause mild scratches that can allow infections to bloom, and this can also lead to itchy penis skin. Using the fingertips and water allows the water-soluble excess tissue to float down the drain, while leaving beneficial bacteria in place. It's a much more helpful and healthy system.

Finishing Up

A damp crotch can lead to funky, cheese-like odors, so it's best to dry off when the bathing part of the routine is complete. A quick pat down with the towel should be sufficient, and there's no need for uncut men to retract the foreskin as they dry off. Removing the water from the exterior should do the trick. Similarly, there's no need to dust off with talcum or follow up with perfumed sprays. These additives can also cause itchy penis skin as they grind away into delicate tissues, and in some cases, perfumes contain drying agents like alcohol that can cause penis skin to dry out and peel off.

A penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) might be an excellent way to end a bout of grooming, however, as these products have been specifically formulated to cause no irritation in penile tissue. The emollients in these products can also help to lock in the moisture from the shower, allowing the tissue to remain moist and hydrated, ready to spring into action. These products also contain vitamins that may keep bacterial colonies in check, which could result in a decrease in nasty odors. For men who want to bump up their hygiene routine without causing damage, a penis health creme provides an attractive solution.

Author's Profile

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: http://www.penishealth101.com. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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