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    Sep 04, 2012
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I have been single for almost four years until my (now) boyfriend enter my life.
I remember not so long ago on my nth birthday I was praying to God to please give me a "boyfriend"- yeah I know it sounds desperate, but yes I wouldn't  lie on that. I actually wished for someone to come into my life & make me feel special. I also have my own personal reason for that & it's not just because I want to have a boyfriend.

And then just last April my wish was granted. I finally found my "significant other". He is nice and smells good all the time. ^_^

"I'd look at him, then I would wonder how possible it is to love someone you knew little about?"

But somehow at the back of my mind I feel like something's quite ain't right about us. Then I realized something while I was thinking of what to give him on our 1st month of being together. I found out that I actually "barely" know him. Heck I don't even know what's his favorite color. There were times when we were together and I'd look at him, then I would wonder how possible it is to love someone you knew little about?
It's like finding a gift above your table
There is no tag but you slowly unwrap it.
And you are not sure if the gift is for you.
Yet you anticipate to see what's actually wrapped inside.

Yes it was rushed. But it was also exciting. The mystery amplifies what I am feeling. I just hope he would open up because I would want to get to know him better and there's still a lot of me that I want to share. 

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Coming from a third world country, I have been exposed to life's realities and being a Filipino might be hard at times but I am proud of the way we handle the problems that comes along our way.

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