Strategic Worming Plans - Stamp Out Parasites

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    Dec 17, 2012
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Equest is a powerful worming treatment available online from specialist suppliers. This leading product can help to form an important part of a strategic worming plan to protect your horses from intestinal parasites.

Why is Worming so Important?

Horses and other land grazing animals are at high risk from intestinal worms. The eggs from worms are carried to the ground by the faeces from infested hosts. These eggs can survive in the dirt and on grass and vegetation for some time and are easily picked up by grazing animals. The digestive system of animals is the perfect host environment for parasitic worms. Once they have been ingested they can grow very quickly and soon start to affect the health of the host. Parasitic worms can cause problems such as:

• Excessive Appetite – intestinal worms will feed from food ingested by the host. This can mean that much of the food eaten by an infested horse is actually being consumed by the parasitic worms. Infested hosts will often show a marked increase in appetite as they strive to get the nutrients they need from their food.

• Starvation – a severe worm infestation can actually lead to starvation. The worm parasites consume so much of the ingested food that the host can slowly starve, even if it appears they are eating a healthy amount of food.

• Organ Damage – parasitic worms can spread out from the digestive track and into the major organs of the body. This migration of worms can cause damage to the organs and this can result in a number of serious health conditions including colic and internal bleeding.

It is important that you have an Equest worming programme in place if you own or care for horses. It is very difficult to prevent horses from coming into contact with worm eggs as this parasite is so common. These worms can cause a number of significant health issues if left untreated so you will need horse wormer products ready to treat and protect your animals.

Using Equest

Equest is very easy and safe to use. You will need to make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best and safest results. Equest oral gel can help to control and prevent infestation by several common types of parasitic worm including redworm and roundworm. This leading product can also help to treat and prevent bots which can also cause health problems for horses.

You will need to follow your worming plan year-round. Horses can become infested with parasitic worms at any time of the year so you do need to continue with treatments even in the colder months. A horse wormers year pack will help to ensure your horses are protected all through the year from parasitic worms.

With Equest wormers for horses you can protect your animals from intestinal parasites. This product can be used year-round and provides powerful treatment and prevention for parasitic worms.

Debbie Reade is a frequent contributor of articles for and has written on many subjects pertaining to all animal needs including cats and dogs but mainly on the subject of Equine health.

Author's Profile

Debbie Reade is a frequent contributor of articles for and has written on many subjects pertaining to all animal needs including cats and dogs but mainly on the subject of Equine health.

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