Putting a bridle and bit on a horse is either easy or extremely difficult. It all depends on how you first introduce your horse to the bridle and bit.
Here are 5 tips for having more success with your horse training and horsemanship. Learn that your words affect your actions and how to avoid getting frustrated.
There are four Foundational Lessons that every rider, whether a recreational rider or a professional trainer, needs to master with each and every horse.
There are four Foundational Lessons that every rider, whether a recreational rider or a professional trainer, needs to master with each and every horse.
There are four Foundational Lessons that every rider, whether a recreational rider or a professional trainer, needs to master with each and every horse.
In the Advanced Rider online course by Lyons Legacy of Horsemanship, you learn what it takes to ride finished.
There are dozens of exercises to ask your horse for the correct lead at a lope or canter. You can ask for the a lead while doing the serpentine or figure 8 pattern
Becoming a Novice Horse Rider requires a horseman to learn the fundamentals of horse training: how to get your horse to respond to the bit from the ground and under saddle
Regardless of your riding style or level, breed of horse you ride and kind of tack you use, every horseman needs to learn a series of four foundational lessons.
When mastering Basic Horsemanship, you need to employ methods of training where your horse will come to trust and respect you.