Lyons Legacy School of Horsemanship Training Manual
This Horse Training Manual is designed to help students develop their training skills and knowledge of horsemanship in a structured and ordered way. We encourage trainers to go through each part in order and to make sure they have thoroughly understood each section before moving on. However, some of the lessons and exercises in this manual are stand alone. In other words, they can be learned without having to learn all the lessons in that particular section.
We have organized the manual into the following parts:
• Part 1—Foundational Lessons. In this section, you will learn the four foundational lessons that provide the building blocks for all your horse training, whether you’re teaching an unbroke or a show-savvy broke horse. You also learn about problems encountered with riders and horses, and how to solve them.
• Part 2—Training. This section leads you through the successive stages of horsemanship training; beginning with the unbroke and proceeding through ground work and bridle work.
• Part 3—Riding. In this section you build upon the foundational lessons and your ground and bridle work through walking, trotting and loping exercises.
• Part 4—Running Your Own Horse Training Business. This part deals with how to establish a training business, give clinics and deal with clients. Also discussed are horse care, and horse tack and equipment.
This manual is a great tool to have in your barn, truck or office. It was designed to help any and all horse owners regardless of their riding discipline. That said, this manual is not for beginners; it assumes a solid knowledge of horsemanship on the part of the student. This handbook has been designed as a training manual for talented horse people who want to hone their skills and become trainers themselves. It provides horse owners with a safer and better way to establish communication with their horse. It can also be used as a horse training manual for people who want to learn the successful Lyons Legacy School of Horsemanship methods.
The Lyons Legacy School of Horsemanship teaches our trainers to take what they learn and improve upon it; still, they must have a desire to improve and the mental ability to figure out new ways to do something better than they could do it before. We are constantly learning and building faster, better, and most important, safer ways to train horses, and we encourage you to do the same.
Company – LL Inc and the Lyons Legacy School of Horsemanship offer a wide variety of equine educational materials, including a series of horse training and riding courses, manuals, and videos for online and on-the-ground learning.
Contact – Ian Kirkham, Managing Partner, LL Inc.,,