A Horse Owners Guide to Preventing Worms

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    Nov 06, 2012
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If you own horses then you should know that they are susceptible to worms. No matter where you live, there are most likely worms that can affect your horses. Preventing them by using horse wormers and treatments will keep your horses healthy and happy.

Usually, a combination of cleanliness and regular use of an Equest horse wormer is all you need to keep your horses worm free.

Rotating Pastures & Keeping Things Clean

Worms are bound to crop up sooner or later but rotating pastures can help you to prevent them. Usually you should rest pastures at least 6 months between each use. Try worming your horse 48 hours before each move in order to prevent cross pasture contamination. If you have four pastures, you can move the horses after each worming, if you just have two, you can leave the horse in the same pasture for 6 months. Usually a 6 month period is enough to allow sun or frost to kill worm eggs
and larvae in a pasture.

You should also make sure things stay clean in the pasture, stable and feed bins. Use a disinfectant on feed and water buckets regularly to keep worm eggs out. Removing faecal matter every two weeks and ensuring your horses never eat grain or hay directly from the ground will also help to prevent worms.

Quarantining Sick Horses

If you know that one of your horses has worms, try quarantining it. You should do the same thing with any new horses. Give the sick horse a dose of Equest horse wormer and make sure that any horses on the field the same day get the same Equest horse wormer with the same dosage and the same active ingredient. This will help to ensure that you don’t mix up schedules and that the horse hasn’t caught worms from the sick one and not been treated.

A Horse Worming Schedule

Unfortunately your horses will get worms without regular horse wormer treatments. You can purchase cheap Equest horse wormers online to cut costs. Usually the best idea is to set up an Equest and EquestPramox horse wormer programme. You can purchase an Equest year pack or just purchase both Equest horse wormer and EquestPramox horse wormer to have sufficient supplies for a year. Usually the dosing interval will be every 13 weeks alternating between EquestPramox and Equest horse wormer.

You can buy horse wormers online to save money if like, usually you can find top brands including cheap Equest wormer for a lot less money than you would find it in stores.

Most importantly, ask your local equine veterinarian about local worm threats, what schedule you should use in your local area and always treat all of your horses at once.

Keeping your horse healthy means you should set up a regular worming schedule. An Equest horse wormerwill cover most types of worms and are usually affordable, especially if you purchase them online from a reputable and VMD Accredited supplier.

Author's Profile

Debbie Reade is a frequent contributor of articles for Wormers.co.uk and has written on many subjects pertaining to all animal needs including cats and dogs but mainly on the subject of Equine health.

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