Heating Your Home This Winter

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    Nov 24, 2012
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The air has a definite bite to it, the winds are cold and the rain is driving. What this all means is that winter is officially just around the corner, and another few months of trying to keep your home warm without breaking the bank.

While some of us lucky ones turn to our wood burning fires or gas central heating to heat our living rooms this winter, there are still large numbers of us that turn to domestic heating oil to keep our homes and families toasty warm on those freezing cold nights.

Central Heating Oil Prices

By now you would have received the notification from your gas and electricity supplier advising you of the price increase that takes place mid this month. Again prices start soaring as winter approaches and you have no choice but to use your heating to keep warm and sane.

There is one thing I cannot bear and that is being cold. Why should I freeze in my own home just because the major suppliers have increased their prices yet again? Many homes in the UK use domestic oil boilers and seem to reap the rewards when it's this time of year.

Keep Your Home Warm

Before you start installing domestic oil tanks, take a look at your home inside and out. Ensure you have adequate insulation in your walls and that your windows and doors are not leaking warmth.

The biggest problem in many homes is the warm air escaping and the cool air making its way into the home. This means that while you enjoy the benefits of domestic heating oil, all that warmth is just sneaking out of the home. In turn you are using more oil than necessary to keep the inside temperatures bearable.

Spending some time to go around all your windows and doors and check for leaks can be very helpful when winter sets in. Get any leaks fixed as soon as possible to ensure you don't pay a fortune for your heating this winter.

Domestic Oil Boilers

Now is the time to have your domestic oil boilers checked. Do this before winter really sets in and while the engineers have time to come out and do a maintenance check.

There is nothing worse than your boiler breaking down in the middle of winter. This can leave you all wrapped up in coats, gloves and scarves inside your home. A home should be warm and comforting; a place you can go and relax and be snug no matter what the weather is doing outside.

So many people in the UK make the mistake of leaving their boiler maintenance until the last second. This means that all the engineers are overbooked trying to manage all the broken down boilers, leaving you having to potentially wait days to have your domestic oil boilers looked at. Be prepared for this winter and stay warm inside your home.

Domestic heating oilcan keep you and your family warm this winter. With some checks before the frost really kicks in, your home can hold on to every bit of heat without letting any of it escape.

Author's Profile

James Charles is a frequent contributor for fuel fighter and has written many articles pertaining to all things regarding Domestic heating oil, energy saving tips especially on such subjects as making the best of your precious boilerjuice for your heating requirements.

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