A Few Unusual Tips for a Warmer and Cheaper Winter

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    Nov 27, 2012
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Winter is a great time of year but it tends to come with two big drawbacks; the plunging temperatures and the rising cost of heating your home as the price of domestic oil starts to climb.

It is well known that domestic oil prices usually climb as winter starts to bite but that doesn’t mean that you need to choose between paying a fortune and shivering in your own living room. As well as sensible pieces of common sense advice like choosing to buy heating oil in advance there are also some more unusual things you can do now to be a fuel fighter and get a warmer and cheaper winter without having to worry about those domestic oil prices or the latest cold front to roll in.

Bake More

There are a couple of great benefits to doing more baking in the winter time. First of all you get something warm and tasty to eat. Secondly, the heat generated by the oven will bring a welcome boost to the home’s temperatures. If your kitchen has a space for eating or relaxing in then you can stay here for a while and enjoy the extra warmth as well as the smell of cooking food.

Do More Exercise

If you have managed to take advantage of the lower domestic oil prices on offer before the usual winter rises kick in then maybe you could use some of the savings to get a gym membership. This will help you work off some of those calories you have gained from all that baking you are doing now and will help warm you as well. If you don’t want to spend money on the gym then when you are feeling chilly at home you could do a few minutes of light exercise and start to feel how your body heats up naturally. This is a great idea for those chilly early mornings before you head off to work.

Take a Steamy Shower

Once your domestic oil tank has been topped up you will feel a lot more comfortable about the long, cold winter ahead. You can now forget about worrying about oil prices and instead concentrate on keeping warm. You won’t want to keep your heating on full while you are out but this might mean that you sometimes come home to a cold house. You should resist the temptation to turn the heating up full right away and hope for instant relief. It is a better idea to turn it to its normal setting.

While you are waiting for the house to get to a nice temperature you could take a long, steamy shower. If you have a small bathroom or a shower cabin then this time of year is when you are really going to feel the benefit of being able to heat it up quickly and efficiently.

With the right ideas you can keep warm and avoid paying the higher domestic oil prices which come along in the coldest months of the year.

James Charles is a frequent contributor for fuel fighter and has written many articles pertaining to all things regarding domestic heating oil, energy saving tips especially on such subjects as making the best of your precious boiler juice for your heating requirements.

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James Charles is a frequent contributor for fuel fighter and has written many articles pertaining to all things regarding domestic heating oil, energy saving tips especially on such subjects as making the best of your precious boilerjuice for your heating requirements.

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